Chapter 2

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No kidding! The male was large! Largest that she had ever seen in her life! He had a tail of an orca while he had arms. The male had also hands with sharp claws. The Merformer looked, in fact, friendly, but being captured, he had a scary look. He wanted to be free. He gave other workers a warning look to back off.

Y/N watched how Silas and other men prepared things that looked in fact painful. Poor that Merformer... Y/N saw in the corner of her eye that Silas went to a room with two other fishers. Curiosity pushed her to go and eavesdrop so she did. The door was a tiny bit open so she listened. 

"Excellent job, boys. How did you manage to catch the leader?" Silas asked.

Y/N's eyes opened wide in shock. So it was a leader! That meant that there were more around in the ocean! 

"We used a net to catch fishes but we never expected to catch an actual Merformer who's a leader of the pack," one of the boys spoke.

Silas nodded. "What do you want for it as a reward?"

It was silence for like ten seconds because the fishers were thinking. That's when one of them spoke.  "We want almost 1 million dollars."


Silas thought for a second and shook the hands of the fishers. "It's a deal then.

Once it was over, Y/N heard footsteps that she immediately scurried away to mind her own business. She felt so sorry for that Merformer that she wanted to free him. Wait, she can! She only needed to earn trust first so that everything can go smoothly. That's it! She's going to the Merformer right now!

Y/N walked and entered the room where the Merformer was. Surprisingly, she was alone with the Merformer. Maybe other men went off to their things? She was amazed to see an actual Merformer in front of her. It was... It was like a fantasy coming true. Y/N walked slowly towards the tank that the Merformer was in and stopped once she was in front of him. The Merformer looked stern towards her direction, but once he saw her soft expression and that she showed no harm, he changed his expression. He looked at with soft eyes and gentle expression.

"You poor thing... Do you have a name?"

"Yes, I do have a name, human."

Y/N's eyes opened wide. Wait, did he just spoke!?

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