Chapter 11

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Y/N screamed in pain. Shen then fell on the ground because Starscream let her go. Y/N held her leg and even her arm in pain! She glared at Screamer in pain. 

"Next time, I will kill you, brat," Starscream said as he swam away.

Breakdown and Knockout just looked shocked. Did Starscream really do that? Yes, he did. They saw him threatening a lot, but never ever something like this! Breakdown swam up to Y/N, gently picked her up, and swam to Knockout. "We need to take care of it. Now."

"Lay her down over there. I'll get things ready the best as I can," Knockout said seriously as he swam away to get things ready. 

Breakdown did as told and laid the human girl down gently. Knockout then came back. How did he manage to get this stuff that a doctor needs? Well, I don't know either. Breakdown and to place very gently his big hands to keep Y/N down well Knockout injected something in Y/N's leg and arm. It's to put it in sleep while the red-skinned doctor will stitch it up. Y/N can already feel numbness (?) in her leg and arm since they're sleeping right now. She finally relaxed while Knockout worked.

"You both are a bit different than the others," Y/N said.

"Not all Decepticons are that bad, doll. Some of us are aggressive, strict, stupid..."

Breakdown quickly cut in. "And some of us are flirty." He meant to Knockout, who whined and pouted. 

Let's just say that it went like that until the stitching was finally complete. Y/N was sleeping while Knockout and Breakdown were discussing quietly. Knockout had sent a message somehow to the Autobots that they had Y/N and that they'll bring her back to them if they meet up. Optimus was so relieved that his human was ok. He responded that he and others will be on their way and they'll be waiting. 

Optimus looked at others. "Ratchet, you stay here and get everything ready. Others swim out!" 

The Prime took the lead of course and he swam off with others while Ratchet remained. They all had spears and knives as they swam. 

Meanwhile, Breakdown picked the sleeping Y/N up gently as Knockout checked if the coast was clear. Then he and Breakdown dashed off. They had to make sure that Y/N had an air of course since she wasn't a mermaid. The males were proud that they managed to escape without their rough leader's knowing. They immediately stopped in the middle of nowhere because they saw the Autobots. 

"Knockout, Breakdown, we came for Y/N," Optimus said with calmness.

"Yes." That's only what Knockout said as he nodded at Breakdown.

The Decepticon Merformer wrecker swam carefully forward while having the human girl. Optimus swam forward too. Once Breakdown gave Y/N to the Prime, he was shocked by the bandages and somewhat torn off clothes.

"Starscream decided to be glitch and he scratched the fleshy, something we never saw before. He also tore some clothes off. I stitched her up," Knockout explained.

Optimus looked at the Decepticons. "You both did the right thing. Thank you." He then looked at others. "Autobots, return back to the base!"


"She's fine thanks to Knockout and Breakdown. She isn't allowed to move a lot due to stitches on her leg. She isn't allowed to move a lot with her stitched arm," Ratchet said as he finished checking.

"Thank you, Ratchet. I'll keep all of this in mind," Optimus said as he placed his hand on his shoulder.

Let's just say that... that Y/N was secretly infected. With what and how? All of this will be explained next time.

That's for now. I decided to publish the Atticus Finch x Reader. 3rd story will not hurt. I've been dying to publish it. I already found the full movie with subtitles on the internet so I'm prepared! Feel free to check it out, Atticus lovers!

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