Chapter 13

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A few days passed since Y/N and Optimus became a couple. Everyone at the base knew it, and they were thrilled! Surprisingly, Knockout and Breakdown somehow found out and they were happy too! They kept it a secret from the Decepticons, especially from their leader, Megatron. If that rough reader found out... then oh boy he will do anything to destroy Optimus' happiness. Remember the stories of their pasts? Then you will understand and know why. 

However, strange things started to happen... Y/N became sick suddenly with a high fever. It just happened so suddenly! She was just hanging out with the Autobots and Optimus was just spooning her while she was in his arms. But then, she felt suddenly dizzy and almost fell out of his arms! Optimus held her tight and was worried. 

Ratchet was now suddenly trying to find out what's wrong with her. Everyone was behind, waiting for the results. The doctor's eyes went wide open. "By the AllSpark..."

"What is it, Ratchet?" Optimus asked worriedly. 

Ratchet turned around to face others with a serious look on his face. "Y/N has a disease that will transform her into a... a Merformer or what humans call... mermaids."

Everyone was shocked by the news. Y/N was going to transform into a mermaid? But how?! When?!

"Do you maybe remember anything like how and when could've happened?" Ratchet asked Y/N while everyone was now looking at her.

Y/N was quiet for a while because she was thinking. She then went into her memories, trying to find when or how could've happened. Then she remembered something! "I think I remember something! A few days ago while I was sleeping, I felt suddenly a small pinch somewhere on my body! Not only that but I heard noises. I thought that it was raccoons so I continued to sleep."

"Y/N... you got injected that night in your sleep. Possibly by the M.E.C.H. Starscream made it extra worse by scratching you, opening your body and the disease entered you again," Ratchet explained.

"Hold on," Agent Fowler interrupted. "You mean that..."

"The claws of the Decepticons are very dangerous. If you get scratched by one of them, then you're infected with the disease... just like how it happened to Y/N."

"Ratchet, is there any cure?" June asked with a hopeful look.

Ratchet sadly shook his head. "No... There's no cure. She will be a mermaid for the rest of her life."

Everyone was shocked while some of them gasped. Optimus was worried sick and felt more guilty than ever before. If only that he was there in time before Starscream scratched her, then the disease wouldn't have been worse like now. But Y/N didn't blame him. Ever. 

He swam to Y/N and gently picked her up, cradling her into his arms like a baby. 

"Y/N will have to live with us forever. She will not survive on her own, especially with a tail that she'll soon have instead of human legs," Ratchet explained seriously. 

Y/N was shocked. Her life with human legs was over? She had a disease that will transform her into a mermaid and she'll stay like that forever... She will have to say goodbye to her legs and say hello to her mermaid tail in the future.

"Will... Will it be painful?" Y/N whimpered as she snuggled into Optimus.

"... No. You're lucky because you're going to transform slowly while you're in a deep sleep. So you won't feel anything," Ratchet explained.

"But... what about my stuff?" Y/N asked while being very confused.

"I'll take care of it. Don't worry," Agent Fowler said.

Let's just say that a few days passed by. Believe it or not, as Ratchet said, the transformation took slow than you think. Luckily, Y/N was in a deep sleep so she didn't felt an inch or pain. She was scared to feel pain! Ratchet did a daily check-up to see how much % of the transformation is.

"It's right now at 95%. Prepare yourself when it reaches 100," Ratchet said.

Y/N took a shaky breath and nodded. She's prepared for it. Optimus and others were giving her big support, including Ratchet. Optimus was watching them. He promised to be extra more protective. Since Y/N will be a mermaid-like the Autobots and the Decepticons, it meant also a big danger ahead. The Decepticons will do anything to destroy the Autobots or lure them into traps. Well, at least Knockout and Breakdown were not like them. In fact, Knockout was a flirty and whiny doctor while Breakdown looked like a big and cuddly one. Starscream was a glitch and a wuss who made the disease worst by scratching Y/N badly.

The next day~

Y/N groaned as she woke up from her slumber. She felt... weird. Why couldn't she spread out her legs and stretch? What the frag? Then her eyes went wide open. he quickly pulled her covers off, looked down, and screamed so loud that everyone woke up! Her legs were no more! It was now a beautiful F/C tail! 

Suddenly, everyone ran or swam in. Y/N fell and landed on the hard cold floor. Optimus swam over fast and picked her up bridal style. He checked her over and couldn't help but blush. She... looked so beautiful.

"Place her there!" Now!" Ratchet commanded.

Optimus did as told and placed her on med bed. Everyone gathered while Ratchet scanned and did fast tests. When he was done, he turned to face others. "The transformation reached 100%."

The next chapter might be a lemon and the final one in this book!

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