New friend

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This will be a long one so get your tissues and popcorn and enjoy!


Hooves echoed through the thick forest. A band of men wearing flowing red capes stopped at the edge of a small village. The sun had dipped below the trees, casting a shadow over the town. No one was out just as the men wanted. The lead rider dismounted and walked through the town with authority.

He stopped at a rather run down cottage with a rotting door barely connected to the hinges. Using the tip of his sword he pushed the door open and entered making as little noise as possible. The shrill cries of a baby alerted the parents to his presence however and soon the rider was pinned to the wall by an invisible force.

"Who are you and why are you in my home." A male voice thundered. Said male had a bushy beard and rather long raven hair. He wore old rags, perhaps his make shift night clothes. Despite his peasant attire you could feel the power radiating of the man.

"My name is Uther Pendragon and you will pay for your crimes against Camelot with your life." The rider spat breaking out of the spell and raising his sword so it met the warlocks neck.

The woman gripped her new born in pure fear, desperately trying to pull her husband back. But the look from Uther made her freeze. Uther was the embodiment of pure, unadulterated hate.

"Sire please, I have done nothing to you. I betrayed my own kin to help you." The warlock pleaded.

"You have magic, therefore you must die." With a clean slice of his sword the warlock fell to the floor. A piercing scream escaped the woman's throat as she fell to the floor, baby still in arms. She wept over the corspe of her husband, watching as the life disappeared from his eyes. The baby cries were heart wrenching.

"You come into my home and you kill my husband for what? Because he has magic. We do not live in your kingdom anymore. It is not for you to punish him, but our king." Uther growled at this statement and raised his sword once more. The woman looked at her child defeated, knowing she will not live to see him grow. She kissed his forehead then rest him on a small bench. Uther watched her completely emotionless, sword still raised. The woman turned to face him once more with fire in her eyes.

"Cut me down now and you will regret it." She spits. Uther didn't hesitate to plunge the sword through her heart.

"I regret nothing." He watched as the body went limp and fell next to the dead warlock. The baby's cries started up again and in a moment of what some would call weakness, he picked up the baby and left the house.

No one stepped foot in the Ambrosius household again.

(Time skip to ten years later because I can :))

The blonde haired prince ran through the courtyard, expertly evading his nursemaid. He hid behind a barrel and watched as the maid ran frantically around, eventually heading into town. Arthur grinned to himself and headed back into the castle, glad to have a little alone time.

Even as a twelve year old, Arthur was forever burdened with duties and it was overwhelming to say the least. His father never aided him, or gave him advice. In fact the two rarely saw each other apart from dinners or special events. 

Arthur found himself wandering an unknown part of the castle that was virtually deserted. Most of the doors were locked, except one. A small metal door with strange markings around it. Arthur let his curiosity get the better of him and opened the door. It was an L shaped room with bars splitting it into two, like a cell. By the state of the room, Arthur could tell it had long since been forgotten. So to say he was surprised when he heard a whimper from within the cell was an understatement.

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