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"I got the job!" Lee Aera said as she bustled through her apartment door finding her roommate Jennie sitting on the couch studying for her finals.

"No way!" Jennie said, putting down her study manual, turning her attention to her excited friend.

"WAY!" Aera said, throwing her purse and keys down on the table.

"That's awesome. I'm happy for you," Jennie said, smiling genuinely at Aera.

"Thanks," Aera beamed back, feeling the excitement vibrating through her body.

On a whim, Aera applied for a nanny job that would take her across the country with a family on their summer vacation. The Bang's family lived on the northwest of Seoul but took a trip to Australia every year for the entire summer and Aera was chosen to be one of the nanny's that would be taking care of the two young children – one boy and one girl. She didn't really have much experience with children, other than babysitting her nieces and nephews here and there, but she thought the opportunity was just too good to pass up. And fortunately for her, the mother hired her on the spot.

"So what are they like?" Jennie asked curiously.

"Well, there are two kids. A girl and a boy. The girl is five and the boy is seven—" Aera began to explain.

"What are the parents like?" Jennie cocked her eyebrow.

"The mom is... nice?" Aera said, not entirely sure she even believed what she just said. Nice was definitely not the best describing word for the woman she met only an hour prior, but she didn't want to just come out and say she was an uptight bitch.

"What does that mean?" Jennie asked with a giggle.

"She's a little... curt. She is really into her job. I mean, seriously. She interrupted the interview three times to take business calls, but whatever," Aera said, shrugging it off, trying to give the lady the benefit of the doubt.

"What's the dad like? Is he hot? I mean he's only like thirty, right? That's prime-time sexiness," Jennie asked, bouncing her eyebrows expectantly at Aera, causing her to laugh out loud.

"Jeez," Aera chuckled.

"What? I need to know you're going to have a good summer," Jennie smirked, cocking her eyebrow.

"I'm sure the level of fun I'm going to have isn't going to have anything to do with Mr.Bang. I haven't even met the guy. He wasn't there," Aera laughed out loud.

"I'm just saying, hopefully the guy is hot so you'll have something to look at this summer," Jennie smirked suggestively at her friend.

"Yeah, because I'm sure there is a shortage of hot guys in Australia," Aera said as she rolled her eyes at her depraved roommate as she headed off to her bedroom to get ready for her evening class.


"So are you excited to be headed back to Australia?" Changbin asked his best mate Chan as they sat at an outdoor café eating lunch together.

"Yeah. But I just wish Jihye was a bit more excited about it," Chan frowned, thinking about the fight he and his wife just got into before he left for his lunch date.

The company Jihye worked for was going through some huge merger with another company, and with the way she talked about it, it was almost as if the whole thing was placed solely on her shoulders, even though Chan knew differently. She lived and breathed her career, making it nearly impossible for Chan and their two children – Bang Jack Jaehyun and Bang Avery Areum – to even spend any time with her. That was why their annual family summer vacation to Australia had Chan smiling a little brighter. That was, until the fight they had that morning about how Jihye would need to transfer all her work across the country and how she felt it would be best to post-pone the trip indefinitely because of the merger. Chan left the house after putting his foot down, telling Jihye to do what she needed to do to get ready, because the trip was happening whether she liked it or not.

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