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After waking up alone in her bed, Aera found a note Chan left her on her nightstand.

She smiled at the words, but felt a pain in her heart. She knew last night was the last time they could be together. She knew it couldn't happen again. She was leaving and she didn't want to make it any harder on either of them.

After dressing and getting ready for the day, Aera went to the kitchen to get some coffee, even though she was a bit reluctant to see Chan after their night together. Neither Chan nor Felix  were in there, which was a bit of a relief. It was just Minhee and the two kids eating breakfast. Aera grabbed her coffee like she did so many other mornings, but this time it was different. This time her days in this house, with this family, were numbered. And a sense of sadness washed over her.

"Good morning, guys," Aera said to the kids.

"Hi, Aera!" Jaehyun shouted as he shovelled a spoonful of Lucky Charms in his mouth.

"Hi, Aera," Areum said more quietly than her older brother with a sweet smile spread across her face. They made Aera's heart burst with happiness and she couldn't help but smile back.

"Aera, I think I'm gonna lose my toof," Areum said, wiggling her bottom front tooth.

"No way! Let me see," Aera said, walking over to her quickly, watching as she wiggled it for her.

"Eww, gross," Aera said in an over-the-top manner. Areum giggled at her reaction.

"I can pull that out for you," Aera told her matter-of-factly.

"You can?" She asked, crumpling up her face.

"Yeah. Hold on a sec," Aera said and darted for the kitchen area.

She materialized a pair of tongs out of the drawer and brought them over to Areum, clinking them together as she did.

"No!" Areum giggled. Jaehyun was laughing at Aera's antics too – even Minhee had a smirk on her face.

"You can't use that!" Areum laughed.

"Why not? I can just grab on... let me... open... open up, baby," Aera laughed as she tried to get her to open her mouth. She giggled, but held her mouth closed tightly, trying to squirm away from Aera.

"What are you goofy kids doing in here?" Chan asked from behind them. Aera immediately tensed up, backing up away from Areum.

"Aera is trying to pull my toof with those thongs," Areum said and Aera giggled.

"Tongs, Areum. They're tongs," Aera corrected her with a smirk.

"Yeah, you don't need to know what thongs are until you're thirty," Chan laughed.

Aera walked back over to the kitchen area, behind the centre-island and replaced the tongs back in the drawer. Chan came over to grab a cup of coffee and then stood by Aera behind the counter.

"Felix  and I are going to go out. I just wanted to let you guys know. We shouldn't be gone long though. I'll have my cell phone on. So will Felix ," Chan said, loud enough for both Aera and Minhee to hear.

Minhee nodded her head in comprehension. And Aera said a quiet "okay". Minhee's attention fell back onto the kids as Chan's fell onto Aera. His eyes were happy to see her, but she could see the sadness behind them. Chan grabbed her hand and squeezed it lightly before letting it go.

"I'll see you later," he said quietly and Aera nodded.

With that he turned and walked out of the kitchen. And Aera was left standing there in a daze. Seeing him no longer made her happy, it just left her feeling sad and lonely. Her heart ached in his presence.

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