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It was an odd thing, the way the whole house changed with Jihye  out of it. There was a freedom that could be felt. And Chan wasn't entirely sure it was only him that could feel it. By the looks of it, both Jaehyun and Aerum  even seemed freer. Their smiles weren't forced or absent. And he loved seeing them like that.

"I love you, daddy," Aerum 's tiny voice chirped as he sat on the edge of her bed, tucking her in after Aera and Minhee  gave her a bath and dressed her in her pajamas.

"I love you so much, my beautiful girl," he cooed, smiling as he leaned down to give her a kiss on the forehead.

He felt her wrap her little arms tightly around his neck as she gave him a light kiss on the tip of his nose. His heart swelled for his little girl, the love of his life.

"Sweet dreams, babygirl," he told her as she dropped her arms and snuggled back into the bed with her stuffed dog, Mr. Snuffles.

"'Night, daddy," she sighed as he stood up from her bed. When he turned around, he saw Aera  standing in the doorway, smiling at him.

"Oh, hi... Aera ," he said, startled that she was there, but he also felt himself react favourably to her presence in the way he usually did.

"Goodnight, Aera ," they heard Aerum say.

"Goodnight, baby angel," Aera said to Aerum , walking over to her, placing a kiss on her cheek.

Chan  walked toward the bedroom door and Aera  followed him, shutting off the light, leaving the soft glow of Aerum 's princess night light to light up the room.

"Hi," Chan  greeted Aera  quietly.

"Hi," she said, biting back a smile, ready to reach out to him.

But both of their eyes registered Minhee coming out of Jaehyun 's bedroom and they quickly turned away from one another.

"Is Jaehyun in bed?" Chan  asked Minhee  quickly.

"Yes. He is waiting for you," Minhee  said with a nod.

"Alright. Thank you," he said, clearing his throat. Minhee  nodded again, moving down the hallway passed the two of them.

"Hey... uh..." Chan  stammered, causing Minhee  to stop in her tracks and turn to face him.

"I need to, uh... is it okay if the three of us talk? I want to talk to you both," he told them with a master plan stewing in his brain.

"Uh, sure," Aera  said, giving him an odd look.

Aera  wondered what he would possibly need to talk to both of them about. But then she remembered that, yeah, they were technically his employees and there might be stuff he actually did need to talk to both of them about. But she still was left to wonder what about.

"Of course, Mr. Bang ," Minhee  said obediently.

"Just, uh... finish up whatever you're doing and meet me down in the kitchen," Chan  told both of them.

"Of course," Minhee  said, nodding her head.

"Thank you," he said and she turned around, bustling off toward the bathroom, most likely to clean up from bath time.

"What do you need to talk to us about?" Aera  whispered as she followed him down the hallway toward Jaehyun 's room.

"I'll tell you in the kitchen," he told her with a small smirk.

"Ohh-kay," she said as he turned into Jaehyun 's room.

"Hey, buddy," he said, smiling at his son.

"Hi, daddy," Jaehyun  greeted him, looking incredibly tired.

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