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Chan woke up instantly regretting the decision to get obliterated off of a bottle of vodka. He literally felt an ache in every single muscle in his body, along with agonizing sharp pains in his stomach. He could tell he wasn't as young as he used to be. Back in his early twenties he could drink all night, wake up and do it all over again the next day. Not so much anymore, as he was slowly learning.

As he pulled himself out of the bed in the pool house, he felt dizzy and he was almost certain he was going to throw up. When his mouth began salivating, he knew for sure. He drug himself to the bathroom, where he immediately fell on his knees in front of the toilet. After his stomach was emptied, he spent the next five minutes dry heaving into the toilet bowl. After he was completely drained and the convulsions stopped, he pulled off all of his clothes and stepped under the cold spray of the shower. He felt like a fucking idiot. He just wanted to crawl under a rock. His kids were probably awake, being fed breakfast and he was hunched against the shower wall in the pool house trying to pull himself together. And to top it all off, his wife was a cunt, who was determined to ruin his life.

After getting out of the shower, Chan dressed in the same clothes and slowly made his way back into the main house, being sure to avoid all human life on the way upstairs.

When he walked into his and Jihye's bedroom, Jihye was just walking out of the bathroom towelling her damp hair. She was completely naked, but Chan was determined to keep his eyes off of her. He didn't need to torture himself by getting a hard-on whose only chance of being fucked was by being fucked over.

"Where were you all night?" She asked him immediately.

"Out," he grumbled, grabbing his cell phone off his night stand, checking to see if he missed any calls.

"What do you mean, 'out'?" She snapped.

"I was in the fucking pool house, Jihye," he snapped back.

"You look like shit," she replied, staring at him.

"Thanks a lot. As if you haven't crushed my spirits enough in the past twelve hours," he shot at her, completely avoiding looking in her direction. Jihye sighed.

"Chan, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings—" She started.

"I really don't want to hear it right now, Jihye," he said, disregarding her altogether.

"I think we need to talk about this, Chan," she insisted.

"Well, I don't want to," he said, finally looking in her direction. She had her towel wrapped around her body and her wet hair dangling on her shoulders.

"But—" She started to protest.

"You know what? In fact, I think I am going to go visit Felix for a few days," he told her.

"You're just going to leave?" She spat at him.

"Yes. Because I can't even stand to look at you right now," he said, walking into the closet to change into his running clothes.

"Why would you say something like that?" He heard her from the doorway.

"Because it's the truth," he snapped, glancing back at her for a split second before he started peeling away the dirty clothes from his body.

Once he fully changed and laced up his tennis shoes, he turned around to see Jihye still standing in the doorway, silently crying.

"Bloody hell," Chan grumbled under his breath.

Jihye had this face she made when she cried that was just so unattractive. She was such a beautiful woman, but every time she would cry she turned into this blubbering, hideous thing.

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