CHAPTER 14* (𝑒𝒹𝒾𝓉𝑒𝒹)

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By the time they arrived back at the house, it was late evening and the sun was hanging low in the sky. They were all pretty tired from their two days of Amusement Parks and sightseeing. All Chan really wanted to do was take a hot shower and crawl into bed, preferably with Aera in his arms, but he knew none of that was a possibility – at least not right away. He still needed to feed the kids some sort of dinner, bathe them and get them ready for bed. His night had just begun once they stepped foot in the house.

"Why don't I whip something up really quick for dinner? Minhee, could you take the kids up and help them unpack?" Chan asked as they all stood in the foyer after hauling in the luggage.

"I would be glad to," Minhee said, giving him a polite smile.

"Just throw all of their dirty clothes out into the hallway and I will take care of it when I come up," Chan told her, watching her hesitate with his words.

Make a mess? Not Minhee. Chan wasn't in the mood to come up with a better solution, though. She would just have to live with it.

"Minhee, I am giving you permission to throw the clothes out into the hallway so I can gather them up later," Chan said sternly, holding back from actually letting the words come out as a growl.

She finally nodded, grabbing both Jaehyun and Areum's small luggage bags and heading up the stairs after both children.

"Want to help me make some mac 'n cheese?" Chan asked, smiling over at Aera, who giggled in response.

"That's what you're making for dinner?" She questioned, smirking mischievously at him.

"Yeah, that stuff is the best!" He chuckled. Who the hell didn't like a good box of Macaroni and Cheese?

"Let's do it, Chef Bang," she giggled, heading straight for the kitchen.

Chan started digging for everything he might possibly need to make the macaroni and cheese before filling a pot with water and putting it on the stove to boil. Aera stood against the centre island counter watching him constantly.

"One box or two?" He asked, holding one box in each hand.

"Probably two. I'm surprised Jihye even has this in the house," Aera said, smirking as she grabbed one of the two boxes out of his hand so she could thoroughly inspect the outside of the box.

"I bought it, of course," Chan chuckled.

Of course he bought it. Jihye buy anything non-organic? Not likely. Or how about Jihye doing any of the grocery shopping? Pssssh, yeah right.

"You're such a good daddy. Macaroni and cheese is one of the major staples in a proper childhood. I'm glad your children are carrying on the tradition," Aera quipped, smirking up at him with a twinkle in her eyes.

"What kind of father would I be if I didn't make it for them?" He told her. She giggled as she placed the box on the countertop next to the other one.

"Do you want something to drink?" Chan asked, moving toward the refrigerator after he put the pot of water on the stove to boil.

"Water is fine," she told him as he reached in, grabbing two bottles.

Chan walked back over, handing one to her as their eyes met. He knew they needed to have that little talk she proposed earlier in the day, but he was slightly reluctant. Mainly due to the fact that he didn't have a clue, not an inkling of what the hell she needed to talk to him about. She reassured him it wasn't bad, but he was still slightly apprehensive about it.

"So, what was it that you needed to talk to me about?" Chan asked finally, eyeing her as she took a sip of her water. She paused for a moment, staring into his eyes like her whole body froze from his words.

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