Chapter 7 - Reveal

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Chapter 7

Several days later

Narrator P.O.V:

Ichigo inspected his small wife thoroughly.

It shouldn't have been bothering him so much, because Rukia had a tendency to get uneasy about something, and would always eventually tell him. But something was different about the way she was standing, almost looking guilty about what ever was on her mind. She had only been acting that way for a day or two, but it was enough to mentally drive him insane.

It didn't help when Rukia was already a master at screwing with his head.

So Ichigo only continued to observe his wife skeptically, wondering what could be bothering her so much. He really wanted to confront her about it on the spot, but since they were in a stupid captain and vice captain meeting, Ichigo could only look at her. Kyoraku didn't stop talking for a long time either, and went on and on about pointless changes that had nothing to do with his division

Kyoraku: And that concludes the meeting. If you have any questions or concerns, please report to me at once. Dismissed!

Ichigo P.O.V:

We immediately left the meeting and I was met by Byakuya on the out

Byakuya: Kurosaki I would like to talk to you for a minute. He said coldly as usual

Ichigo: Sure what is it

Byakuya: Is something wrong with Rukia? He asked with his voice filled with a hint of concern

Ichigo: So you knew something was off too huh. Well I honestly don't know. She has been acting strange for the past 2 days and I just thought she would eventually tell me but now I'm being driven insane

Byakuya: Well then in any case you ask Rukia what's wrong

Ichigo: Don't worry I will

I was on my way home from the division and the entire time I was still wondering what could possibly be bothering Rukia? Did something happen? I know she is hiding something from me and I will find out

I arrived home and found Rukia already there and it looked like she arrived not too long ago

Rukia: Hey there Ichigo. She said still with an uneasy look

I walked up to Rukia and grabbed her hand and she immediately looked at me

Ichigo: Rukia is something bothering you? I asked concerned

Rukia stayed quiet for a bit before answering

Rukia: I guess it's time to tell you

She slowly pulled out something pink from her pocket. She was blushing while doing so. When it came to full view I immediately recognized what it was. And when I saw the 2 lines it clicked

Ichigo: Rukia you're.... pregnant?!! I asked flabbergasted

Rukia: Yes Ichigo I am. I had a feeling for the past few days that I was. Then I decided to take a test 2 days ago and when it came back positive I decided to go the 4rth division to make sure. And I was indeed pregnant. She said with her cheeks still pink

Ichigo: Why didn't you tell me sooner? I asked with a hint of anger. I didn't like it when Rukia hid stuff from me and her being pregnant wasn't something hard to hide

Rukia: I didn't tell you sooner because I didn't know how you'll react. I know you and I want kids but.... I didn't want you to like get angry or whatever because it might be too soon to have one so I'm sorry Ichigo. She said guiltily while looking down

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