The Unexpected(Chapter 9): We meet again

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POV- Camila 

It was just another monday morning. I was excited because I am meeting Lauren everyday. I was glad that she was in my Spanish class, so we have more time to get to know each other. 

I got up on my bed as I turned off the alarm on my phone. I took a bath and went downstairs. I grabbed my lunch and hurried down to my car, which my parents gave me last year's birthday. I practiced driving since last summer so I'm pretty good now, I guess. 

I remembered that I just live 5 minutes away from Lauren and I decided to take her a ride with me, so I went to her house and knocked at the door. Her mother answered the door and gave me a smile. 

"Hi, can I help you?" she asked. 

"Y-Yeah, is L-Lauren here?" I stuttered. Of course I was scared, because it's her freaking mother, but honestly, she looks like Lauren. 

"Oh, yeah, she's about to go. And I don't know...?" She asked me as I know what I will answer.. 

"Camila. Camila Cabello" I said generally. I shook hands with her as she let me inside the house. 

"She's just getting ready. She's a lazy one though. So, Camila, where did you met my daughter?" She asked. 

"Oh, when she's just sitting there in your pourch." I answered 

"Oh is that it? I'm glad she has a new friend already. She's quite shy though, but she'll ger used to it." She explained. 

"Oh, okay..Sure.." 

"Okay, so Camila, my baby girl is a shy girl, like I told you.. Can you do me a favor, for her not to be out of place, introduce her to your friends. Got it?" she favored

"Sure.." I smiled as she smiled back. 

"Mom? Who are you talking t--" as she's walking down the stairs, she noticed me and smiled. 

"It's Camil, dear." her mom said while Lauren's making eye contact with me. 

"I know mom.." Then she broke the eye contact to look in the eyes of her mother. 

"You ready to go?" her mother said

"Yeah.. Maybe I'll walk with Camila right here." she offered. "Right, Camz?" I nodded. 

I like the nickname she gave me. I swear, no one can ever call me that. 

"Yeah, we have to go.." she kissed her mothers cheeks.. "See you later, I love you.." she said. 

"Bye, Mrs. Jauregui. Nice to meet you.." I waved her goodbye as she waved back. 

As we are walking down her pourch, she noticed I brought a car 

"So, you drive?" she asked, while laughing and we just continued going up to my car. 

"I bet you like it too.." I joked, and she laughed. 

"No, you drive. I'm still learning.." she hid her face maybe because of embarrassment, it's fine, she's too cute. 

"Maybe I can teach you.." I winked and smiled back, I lip bite though. 

"W-We should..uhmm.. get going you know.." she winked, I noticed she stuttered. She's cute when she's nervous. 

"Good idea." then we hopped into my car and I said one last thing to her.. "Put your seatbealt on, I don't want you to get hurt or maybe bumped your head.." Yes I was concerned for her. 

"Don't worry, I won't." she replied then we head off to school


She was concerned when she said she doesn't want me to bumped my head or something. This girl is amazing, but I promised myself that I won't fall in love with anyone. Actually, after Demi and I broke up, it's been 6 years since back then. I don't want to cause Camila the pain Demi felt, it made me selfish, it made me sad, it made my heart broke. I hate that feeling.. What should Lauren Jauregui do? 

"Here we are.." She said, while turning the engine off, and putting her seatbelt back in place. 

"Great, first day though.. I have to be honest with you, I'm shy." I confessed

"I know.." she also confessed. How did she knew?  

"Your mother told me.." She said. Of course it's my mom.. Dammit. 

"I'm sorry about my mom. She's too, you know.." I nodded as she is. 

"It's fine.. And again, I'll introduced you to my friends." she said while getting out of the car, I also did that. 

"Ready?" she said and reached out for my hand, and I intertwined our hands together. It felt nice. 

"Ready.." I felt for the first time confidence in me. She made me confident.. But still, I'm figuring out what I need to do to not fall in love with her, or making her fall in love with me. 

We entered the school and it's pretty big here. I might got lost, as I can say and see that way. But no, Camila is here, with me. I feel safe, and love... 

Camila just walked me to my first subject, Spanish. I bet we are pretty early because there are not much people yet in here. She walked me to my locker, our locker is beside each other, this is great. 

"So what's your first subject?" She asked. Breaking the awkward silence 

"Spanish, you?" I said and asked. We are always the same. 

"Up top! We're the same." She just hold up my hand high, and waited for her to do the high five.

She closed her locker and asked me, "Ready to go?" and looked me in the eye.. Those brown eyes. Wait what? 

"Yeah, I'm ready to go." I smiled and she nodded. 

I noticed that she stopped, and I asked her. 

"Hey, why'd you stop?" 

"Uhmm, my friend texted me and she said that she needs me, right away." she explained. A bummer because I do really want to hang out with Camila, but hey, it's her friend and I don't want to be selfish on our first friendly hang out, right? 

"Oh, it's okay. I'll find it myself." I said, honestly, I don't know this school, too much, but Camila made me safe, but she argued back. 

"No, I'll help you find it and so I could go back to my friend.. I bet she can wait." she smiled and I just nodded, How amazing is she? She will be late meeting up with her friend just to help me find our class. Yes she's amazing, as a friend.

"Amazing, then let's go." I said. Then we start talking and we finally found the room, she escourted me to our chair, she said that she'll sat beside me and she wants me to save some seat for her, beside me.. 

"I need to meet up with her, so save some for me, will yah? Thanks. Be right back." then she winked, and she left. 

After that, I just reached out my ipod and listen to some music. 

I can't win 
I will never win this game 
Without you, without you
I am lost, I am vein
I will never be the same 
Without you, without you... 

I was kind of lost in that song, I pressed repeat the song. I was related, like I don't really get it, but seriously, I miss Demi. 

I won't run, I won't fly
I will never make it by
Without you, without you
I can't rest, I can't fight
All I need is you and I
Without you 

I really missed Demi, the way she talks, the way she walks, her voice, her smile, her hair, her everything... 

Can't erase, so I'll take blame
But I can't accept that we're estranged
Without you, without you
I can't quit now, this can't be right
I can't take one more sleepless night
Without you, without you

That line shot me. Now, I admit, I want Demi Lovato back.. I will give her now what I was afraid to give last time.. 

But suddenly, I was interrupted by Camila, who was poking me and I realized I fell asleep, dreaming about Demi and I happy once more. 

"Hey, wake up!" she poked me. 

"Oh, what tim---" I was interrupeted by the teacher who went inside, Mr. Hitch. 

"Goodmorning class, how's your day?" he asked with a brittish accent. 

"Fine sir." We all said. 

I didn't paid attention to my class, like I said, my head is on Demi.. What will I say to her just to get her back. I really freaking miss her..So much.. 


I was impatient to end this class so I could text Camila where she is. Then suddenly, my luck was on, the bell rang, it was out break time so I have 1 hour to find Camila. As I walked down to my locker, I went and grabbed my phone in my pocket and scroll through my contacts. 

"Camila.. Camila.. Camila.. Oh, there she is.." I said when I found Camila's contact. How about I should call her? Maybe that'll be better, than texting.. my mind though.. That's a perfect plan than what I planed. 

I dialed it and at the other line, it said.. 


"Hey Camila, it's Demi, where are you?" I asked as I walked down to the cafeteria 

"I'm in the Cafeteria, oh hey, come quick. I want you to meet someone." she said, I maybe can't see it but I feel like she's smiling 

"Okay, be there in a bit." I said and she hung up. Huh, who's that person though.. I'm ecstatic to meet that person.. 

---In The Cafeteria---

I already saw my girlfriend talking to a girl, and it looked very familiar. My instinct took all over me as I realized I know that raven haired. I froze as Camila saw me. 

I dozed off, and just stare to that back of that person.. 

"Babe?" Camila snapped her fingers 

"Hm?" I answered 

"Are you okay?" she asked

"Y-Yeah.. I, just..C-C'mon let's j-just eat." I stuttered. How can I forget that hair, when that hair made me fall in love with that person? 

I was dragged by my own body to the table they we're sitting. I saw her eating her food but not looking up. 

"Hey Lauren, this is Demi.. Demi Lovato." I noticed she stopped eating and made eye contact with me. She was shocked to see me, well, me too.. I swear, she looked more beautiful than ever. 

I was speechless. There was tense feeling as we made eye contact. Until Camila broke tha awkward silence. 

"...And Demi, this is Lauren. Lauren Jauregui." She finished. Yes, she was the one.. The one I fell in love, the one who made me happy ever fucking day, the made me the happiest girl all over the world, and the girl who broke me down and never said a FUCKING word that she'll comeback!  

She stood up to do handshake with me. I froze like I said, as I feel the tears comming up to my eyes. 

"E-Excuse me, for a second.. I-I need to g-go to the rest..restroom." I excused myself as I walked out from the tense feelings. I couldn't believe she's back, I always thought that would be a dream, but no.. She spoke, I heard her voice, her smile.. I need her, but I need to love Camila.. She's my girfriend now, not Lauren. 

As I enetered the ladies room, I wiped my tears away and just splash my face with water. What is she doing here? I thought she's not coming back? Do I miss her? Do I still love her? It's been years since I saw her face.. 

There we're things I want to ask her.. Things I want to know, but I can't ask her yet, I'm scared, and I don't want to be rejected again by her, I don't want to.. I hate rejection, that if I ever encounter one again, I would probably standing in my own grave. 


Hey guys.. Sorry for the long update.. I was busy in school and I was sick in this past few days.. But I promise to update as soon as I can.. Thanks for reading it and please, tell me what do you think and Comment, rate and add to your library.. Love y'all!! :* (:

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