The Unexpected(Chapter 12): The Chance To Change Everything

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I was on her couch. She said she'll get ready so we can talk, like normal people. 

It was 10 minutes, when she finally came back down. I saw her, all of her.. I couldn't resist my eyes, I can't take it away from her. Yes, I was still attracted to her, but I can't love her anymore, even though I want to.. I just can't. 

"Demi to planet earth!" She snapped her fingers. 

"Oh.. I'm s-sorry.. You-Your ju-just... b-beaut-tiful..." I stuttered. But I was honest. She was a... Oh god, why am I thinking about these things? 

"Thanks.. You too.." She smiled, the flirty way.. She always have these connection with me, that makes me.. tingling.. 

"L-Let's go?" 

"Sure.." She winked then we took her car

We were on starbucks and I ordered some coffee. Then we picked a place, to talk about what we'll do. 

"OKay, so what do you want to talk about?" I asked as I took a sip from my coffee

"You know, I just want to sort things out. Correct what I've done wrong. I hate the fact that you're just ignoring me, like you are all focus with Camila and..." she stopped as she wiped her tears away.. "Like I was nothing to you before and I am still nothing to you today.." she continued. 

"Well, I think you could answer that question yourself.." I gave her an 'obvious' look and took another sip 

"Well, that's why I wanted to talk to you, because what I did was wrong. I hated what I was.. And most of all, I hated what I did to you.. I left you with Pain, tears.." She said.. Man, this will not end so good.. 


This is my chance to change eveything.. With Demi.. I do admit it, I hated what I was, I wanted to go back in time just to make things right, that what she really is to me.. She was my everything..

"I.. I was willing to come back for you.. I can't stand not talking to you everyday, seeing you, and loving you.. I am willing to go back in time just to make things right again, I wish you know that.." I teard up, but luckily I brought a handkerchief 

"I know.." She put her coffee down and hold my hand.. "I know.. I can see it Lauren.. You want me back.. But I can't.. I'm in a relationship now.. If I broke Camila's heart, she will not be talking to me anymore.. I love her too, you know that.. But please remember, First loves always has a place for one's heart.. So by that means, you will have a place in my heart.. I wish you would know that.." she kissed the back of my hands, as tears come streaming down my face. 

She was right. She will have a place in my heart, but it's also time for me to let her go.. 

"I know.. I know.." I said.. 

"I don't know, but I also wished we could be together again.." she said, as she kissed the back of my hand and she stood up. I saw her leaving, luckily, I stopped her. 

"Demi!" I shouted as the other customers looked at me.. 

"Friends?" as I try hard to smile, actually I succeeded 

She chuckled then said, "Friends." and she left. 

Honestly, I was in mixed emotion. I don't know if I'll be happy or sad, but I know that we manage to say our feelings personally. We manage to be friends again. I love that I am her friend again, and I'm ready to let her go, for my friend, Camila.. 


I'm still worried about Demi about talking to Lauren. I mean, who wouldn't be? Talking to their ex, and they ask if they could start again, like that. I'm just worried.. 

I was at the mall with Dinah. After a long non-communication, we finally started to hang out. 

"Hey, do you know Lauren?" I asked sudden 

"Uhmm, Raven haired, emerald eyes, cute face?" she describe. Man, she knows everything, is she like a stalker or something? Haha 

"Yeah, how did you know?" I asked as we sat down inside pizza hut 

"Well, I know everything about that girl.. I'm a stalker.. Cause, I really like her, but don't get it the wrong way. She's just pretty." She said and she raises her arm to call out the waiter. 

"So, do you really think that she's pretty?" I asked then I realized what I just said.. 

'Yeah, why is Camila Cabello likes Lauren?" she asked smirking 

"No! I have a girlfriend, D-mac. You knew that!" I shouted and blushed a little 

"Okay okay, calm down! Oh wait, there's a cute waiter.." she started flirting with him and I want my pizza! 

I dozzed off and thought about what they will do.. Demi and Lauren, I meant. Will they still be friends? Will they forgive each other? I wonder.. Then, suddenly, my thoughts goes to Lauren.. That dazzling eyes, her amazing smile, her beautiful personality. I wonder why, but I still like her.. 

Dinah snapped her fingers and I returned to reality. 

"Oh, sorry, what?" 

"What do you want? Peparroni?" 

"Oh, c'mon Dinah, you know what I love." I said and fixed my shirt

"Okay, Peparroni it is." 

We had a conversation about life and college. We are planning to take the same college and be happy with out life. 

We were done, and we left. As we walked, I bumped into someone. 

Shocking who it was. 

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