The Unexpected(Chapter 25): Long Time No See

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Tomorrow. Tomorrow is when I'm marrying Ally Brooke. I'm still attached on what happened between us. Lauren and Me. 

I missed her. 

Since that night, she never called me or even talked to me. I just... miss her. 

I didn't know what I did to her to just go away like that, but all I know is, I love her. 

I still do. 

"Camila?" someone called out my name. It was Ally. 


"What are you thinking about?" She asked sincerely 

"Oh.. uh.." I need to admit it to her, before anything happen. Like they said, at the end, it's the blame you have to make. 

"What?" She eagerly asked, wanting me to continue 

"Why did I ever agreed on marrying you?" I said while looking down 

"What kind of question is that?" She's very confused, I can tell, but I have to answer her with her question. 

"I'm not in love with you and I'm marrying you tomorrow..? Why?" I said with a 'I want to know why..' begging face. 

"..." She was just speechless. She can't say something. I just feel like she's hiding something from me, especially, in our marriage tomorrow. 

"Are you hiding something from me?" I asked her. Wanting to know more. 

"C-Camila, I need to tell you something, but... before I tell you, would you admit something" She's broken. She knows I'm not in love with her, not because I told her, but because she feels me. 

"Yes, Ally. I'm in love with Lauren. The Lauren I've meet 4 years ago, in front of her house. I can't stop thinking about her ever since. I agreed on marrying you because I felt that I will never see her again, but when I finally saw her, it changes everything.. She changed me.." I admittedly told her. 

She's crying. I held her and surprisingly, she let me. 

"I'm sorry, Ally.. I'm sorry.." I said, begging for her answer or what she thought of it. 

"L-Look.. I.." She can't stop crying knowing that she's so.. hurt, "I'm just madly in love with you that's why I want to marry you. I just.. I want you to love me.. And it hurts to let you go.. But if my lovely fiance.. love someone else, even though it's painful to see you go, I will let her love the one she love for the rest of her life.." She proudly said.. 

"You will do that, just for me?"  

"I would do everything for you.. because I love you.." She said, kissing me..

And I guess this broke our engagement. It hurts me a bit to see her go, but it hurts me a lot to not know Lauren isn't here with me. 

"I love you, Camila.. I wish you know that.." She said and finally shared our one last kiss together. 

And that my friend is how I broke off the wedding. 

POV- Lauren 

I'm still at my bed, dreaming until I heard my mother call my name for breakfast. 

"It's too early.." I mumbled. But I have no choice or they will pour hot water on my head. 

"Lauren!" She shouted once more and I got up, "I'm coming!" I yelled back and just ran to the bathroom and pulled my hair up. 

I walk down stairs and sat at the table angrily.. 

"That's a nice way to say goodmorning in front of the food.." She said sarcastically. 

"Sorry.." I got back at her. 

She continued eating and continued the conversation to the family, which I'm not interested to listen. Instead, I though of the girl I've been ignoring because I was focusing on moving on, without her. 

Her marraige is tomorrow, and I can't attened because it will painfully hurt me so much. 

"Lauren out of the dream world!" My mother snapped her fingers in front of me. Just great. 


"Are you okay? It's seems you are always dozzing off.." She asked, while cleaning our plate. 

"Yeah, I'm okay.." I lied. Of course I'm not. How can I be happy if I will see the girl of my dreams marry another girl? It's painful, isn't it? 

Seeing the one you love marry the one who almost kill her, if you just see or talk to her.. 

"I just wanted to protect you, Camz." I whispered not allowing anyone too hear me.

"Well, why don't you just go talk to her or something?" My mom asked out of the blue. Jumping because of her interruption Wait, did she heard me? 

"God, you scared me!" I said while holding my hand on my chest. 

"Don't be a scaredy cat. Anyway, if you still in love with her, do you think that you should effort on getting her?" She said with a sincere tone. 

"But I don't want to ruin her marraige.. She's getting married tomorrow, mom." I admit. 

"Look, love, if you still love her, why don't you just hear her voice or maybe see her face? It's easier to move on if that what's you want.." She said

"I want her, mom." I defended. 

She didn't say anything, instead, she kissed my forehead and gave me the sign that I should go to her and say that I'm in love with her and I nodded. 

I grabbed my keys and I suddenly bumped into someone. 

It was her. But why is she doing here? She should be with her fiance but I didn't care. I could careless for her fiance. 

"I'm sorry, Camz." I said while helping her get up on her feet. 

Look, Camz, I need to--" Before I could finish my sentence, I felt a pair of lips crashed into mine. Is this really happening? Am I kissing Camila fucking Cabello? If it's a dream, I don't want to wake up. I don't care if I die, as long as I'm with her, I am fine. I am happy. 

She parted our lips and told me, "I love you Lauren Jauregui. So much that I even broke the engagement for you." She said with a cheeky smile. 

Am I deaf or did I just heard her told me that she broke off the engagement just for me?

"I still love you, you butthead.." I playfully punch her arm. 

And that moment, I wasn't expecting. She loved me, she did love me, and she's madly in love with me. 

This is just the best and happiest day of my life. 

We just stood there and just stare at each other, not minding the people who see us, all I care about is that the girl of my dreams told me she love me. And that's fine with me. 

POV- Demi 

I'm seeing this girl since I last saw Camila is may be about, 4 years ago? Well, I know that girl, her name is Cece Frey. 

To be honest, I like her. 

Her voice
Her hair
Her eyes
Hey lips
Her everything, even the flaws. 

But I don't know if she feels the same way. 

It's okay though.. 

"Demi!" Someone called out my name and I recognized that voice. 

"Hey Ce!" I shouted back

"What's been in your mind, huh?" She asked curiously

"Oh well.." Was the only word I could say

"C'mon, tell me!" She made a puppy-eyes which I can't resist. 

"Okay, but you have to promise me to keep it as a secret?" I said. 

"Yup" She said popping the p. 

"Okay, here it goes.." I took a deep breath and continued, "I'm in love with a friend, and I don't think she will like me back because, I don't know, she's just perfect.." I said, while making a sympathy look to her, giving her sign that she was the one I'm talking about.. 

"Is this girl, supposed to be me?" 

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