The Unexpected(Chapter 21): That All Matters

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I was hurt by the way she acted. That was the first time for me, being rejected. I never knew what Demi felt when I rejected her. She must've felt horrible. Dammit Camila, of course it's horrible! You are feeling it right now! 

I walked out of pizza hut and took a cab, I don't have a car because Lauren took me here. I wanted to ran away, away from her, away from rejection, away from pain, away from sorrows, away from everything.. 

But I need to talk to someone, someone who could possibly understand me, and that's the time someone popped in my head. 

Demi Lovato. 

She was the second girl who understood me. If you are wondering who was the first, well, she just rejected me. Yes, it's Lauren Michele Jauregui

I wanted her to be with me right now, but I remembered, we broke up. 

But she said we could still be friends, so I called her, and just text her, or better, call her.. 

I dialed her phone number and it started ringing. 

"Hello?" the other line said, but it didn't sound Demi 

"D-Demi?" I said with a cracked tone 

"Camila?" It surely didn't sound like Demi. 

"I-Is th-this D-Demi" I sobbed, like a fucking child. My tears are not worth to waste just for a girl who didn't even loved me back. 

"It's Cece. Where are you?" She asked concerened. Why would Cece be there anyway? She should be with Lauren, but why with Demi? 

"I'm g-going to t-talk to D-De-Demi" I said between sobs 

"Well, you better some to the hospital right now. She really needs you." What? Why would Demi be in the hospital? Dammit, questions later. 

"Where is the hospital?" I asked saying near where we live. 

"Got it.." I said, but before saying goodbye, "Oh, and Ce, take care of her, please?" I continued, making a half smile 

"Sure, babygirl. I would do that." She said, then I smiled. She hund up and I told the cab driver to go to the hospital where Cece told me.. 

But I still wonder.. Why is she at the hospital? What have I done? What did I do? 

When the driver dropped me off I paid him and gave thanks. 

I rushed into the entrance and to the information table.. 

"Excuse me? Where is the room of Demi Lovato?" I asked the young lady, probably my age, but what the fuck. 

"Family or Relative?" She asked. 

And there is one word that came up into my mind.. 

"Does her girlfriend counts?" I said smiling.. 

"Yes.. Go for her.. Room 203" She said, smiling, "Say Hi for me. You both are a great looking couple.." She replied; I blushed. 

"Thanks.." I said waving and running to the room where she told me. 

When I found her, I opened the door, and there was Cece, asleep, and there is also my baby girl. 

I don't know what to say, It's just awful to see her like this. I hate myself for hurting her so much. 

I walked close to her and grabbed her hand. 

"Baby girl?" I said with a cracking voice. I was just hurt to see her like this. I was the one who did this to her. 

I was her world. I was her heart. I was her everything. 

"Demi?" I asked again. Then this time, I felt a pressure on my hand, I looked up on her. 

"C-Camila.. I-Is th-that you?" She said while opening her eyes. I was happy, happy that she is still awake. She was the strongest person I ever met in my entire life 

"It is me, baby girl, it's Camila." I said while cupping her cheeks and kissing her forehead. 

"C-Camila.. Do.. Do you.. Did.. you l-love me?" She was sobbing. Of course she was. 

"Of course I loved you.." I said. She cried even more louder. I never seen her like.. this.. 

"So, why..why did you agree..agree on breaking.. up w-with m-me?" She said while wiping her tears away. 

"Because it's all you ever wanted, right?" I said. She said it. She wanted me to break up with her just to find my happiness, but when my happiness was taken away from me, all I have was Demi. She made me the happiest person ever. 

"All I ever wanted was you, Camila." She admitted it. Then that time it broke my heart. She finally said it. All I can think of her suffereing, seeing me happy with Lauren Jauregui.

Then I did what should a girlfriend do. Kiss her. Making her happy. Loving her 'til death. 

"W-What? W-Why did you do t-that?" She asked confused. 

"Because you're my girlfriend.." I said. I admit, I still love her, now that Lauren rejected me, I'm proud to say that Demetria Lovato is my girlfriend. 

I held her tight as possible as I could. I don't want to let her go, not anymore, not again.

I forgot all of my problems and I'm sure that she also forget that she's in the hospital. 

All that matters right now, is that I'm right here, with her.. Protecting her from everybody. That's all she wanted. Me to be with her.

That all matters. 


As Camila decided to be my girlfriend again, I never really felt the pain I felt. It was 2 weeks after the incident. We are just here, cuddling every night.

I guess she stopped texting someone, I mean flirt text with someone. She's here, 24/7, beside me. By the way, her mother allowed her to stay with me, so like my father said, if he ever die, he will give everything he owns to me. Since my mom didn't come back at all, so I consider this mine.

Suddenly, a question popped into my head.

"Babe? Why did you ever come back to me? Is it because you sympathy me?" I asked.

"Hey, never think that. I came back because I love you." She replied

"Is that.. you know.. true?" I asked not letting go of the cuddle.

"Of course babe." She kissed my forehead. 

"I love you." 

"Me too.." She replied. And by that time, we just cuddle there, enjoying the movie until someone falls asleep. This was just the night I dreamt of. The night with the one I love. The night with Camila. 


Demi just got out of the hospital and she even mentioned that Camila and her are back. Weird but I'm happy for her, for them. 

But lately, I was worried about Lauren. She's never been herself. She wouldn't eat, she wouldn't talk to me, or even look at my eyes. What's happening to her? 

I wanted to help her yet she refuses. 

Like, someone ripped her apart. 

This started though when she got home after her conversation with Camila.. 

Is it..? No. Don't even think that it's Camila's fault, but what if it is..? 

Anyway, I'm going to try again, I will go and knock on her door, just to see her. 

I walked upstairs, and knocked on her door 

"Lauren?" I asked, making sure she would answer 

"Hm?" Thank god she answered. 

"Can you let me in?"  

"Y-You would.. You would.. Hate me.." Sobbing between words. I was hurt. Why would I hate her? 

"Why?" I asked in concerend 

"Just forget about it." The tone of her voice changed. I badly want to push that door opened just to see her. 

Then my thoughts controlled me. I just did what I just thought. 

I saw her there, lying on her bed, many pills spilled on the floor, and her wrist... It's bleeding! God, what did she do? Why would she do this to herself? 

"Michael!" I yelled her father's name and I carried her bridal style. I ran downstairs which shocked her parents. Her mom was sobbing in pain, her dad was panicking while comforting his wife. 

"Cece, honey, take her to the hospital, please?! We well follow you later, okay?" He begged slightly yelling. I just nodded in return. 

I carried her to the passenger seat and I took out the keys, started the engine, and drove to the hospital where I took Demi. 

I opened the passenger door and carried her to the emergency room. The doctors took her away. I just sat there and waiting for the doctors to tell me what will happen to her.. 

Why the people I love tries to kill themselves? Why would they do that? I feel so miserable on looking at the people I care most suffering, dying, and killing themselves. 

I put my hands on my hand and just wait for the result. 

---after the surgery---

When the doctor went out the surgery room, I rushed to her. 

"What's the state doc?" The familiar doctor that operated Demi was the same doctor that operated my girl. 

"She will be in a coma for about 3 days. She took a lot of pain killers. It affected her kidney and also her lungs. She needs medication and a lot of treatment so that she could be better again." She said. I sigh in relief. I nodded. 

"Thanks doc. Can I see her?" She nodded. 

"Room 102" She said. 

I smiled in return and rushed to the room. 

I was just worried about her. I do love her right now. Loving her is different from loving boys. It's like, awesome, because you could trust her. She's my everything and I can't loose her, I won't loose her yet. 

I turned the knob and saw her, connected to the IV lying there, helpless. 

Lauren was there. My baby girl is there. 

She was helpless, hurt, in pain, and in a coma. 

I was just there, standing, crying, hoping that she'll wake up. 

My Lauren. My baby girl. 

All I want to do is help her. Make her believe she'll be protected by me. By Cece Frey. 

I love her so much just to let her go that easy. 


I was at my bedroom, staring at that razor I've been keeping under my pillow. One slice, everything will be over. 

I am madly in love with Camila Cabello. I just rejected her. I heard that Camila is back with Demi. I also heard that, when they broke up, Camila wanted me, because she said I was her happiness, but I was with Cece. I don't want to hurt Cece, but I also don't want to hurt Camila. 

Cece was my girlfriend, so at this time, she was more important to me than Camila. I had to do what I have to do, reject her. 

That's the most painful thing I ever did to her. 

I don't want to hurt everybody, so I decided to just hurt me, myself. It's still better, no, it's the best if I don't live anymore, because I can't hurt anyone, especially, Cece, Camila, and Demi. 

I got up on my feet, went to the medical cabinet in my bathroom, sat down on my bed. 

I opened the pain killer and swallowed a bunch of them and when it was enough, I threw it on the floor. Next was the razor, my best friend who will help me get through with this. 

If her body will go through my wrist, everything will end. Everything will be over, all the pain, hurt. 

I went thourgh with it. 5 times. Why? Because first of all, I hurt my family. Second, was Demi, The girl I loved so much that I just left. Third, was Cece, who love me that trusted me that I love her. Fourth, was Camila, I rejected her, now she's just there with Demi, making her happy, not me. And lastly, was myself, hated myself for hurting everyone. 

I was the person who never meant to be alive, who doesn't want to live. Who is willing to die just to protect them, and keep them safe, to give them happiness. 

Then there it was, my eyes meeting the darkness. It was time for me. To die. 


"Hey Lauren?" What? Where am I? Why is it so white in here? 

"Is someone calling me?" 

"Hey Lauren!" The voice almost shouted, then I recognized that voice, it was Camila Cabello 

"C-Camz?" My voice was shakey. Why is she here? Should she be with Demi? 

"Hey, LoLo!" She said as she hugged me 

"W-Why are you.. here?" I said while looking around 

"I want to help you Lo. Most of all, I don't want to loose you. Ever in my life, I don't want to loose you. Please, let me help you. You are the people I care about that I can't stand loosing. If you die, will you ever thought what would happen to me? To your Camz?.." She stopped and I didn't noticed that I was tearing up, so she wiped it away with the pad of her thumb, "Didn't you realize what you did to me? I took your advice.. Remember? The very first time I saw that beautiful, raven-haired, emerald eyes, porcelein skin, girl? I was scared to admit it to you but ever since I saw you, I already fell in love with you. Those smirks, smiles, and even glares, was just so..... amazing.." I was speechless, my green eyes met her beautiful brown eyes, "You have no idea what you did to me, and now, I will do the same. I will help you through it, I promise LoLo.. I promise.." I sobbed. Howcome people like her just won't go and leave me alone. But now, she chose to stay, just to help me recover. 

"I.. I'm madly in love with you Camila Cabello.." I said. I released the words I wanted to tell her since the first time I saw her. I would do anything to make her happy. She means the world to me, that I will die for her happiness, her love. I love her more than I can ever think.. More than she thinks. 

Everything about her was just so, perfect. Perfect to let go. 

Even a person like her has imperfections. And I warmly accept that, because folks, I'm madly in love with my ex-girlfriend's girlfriend.


I can feel that someone was putting pressure on my arm. 

"Lauren?" the voice asked. I know that voice.. 

"Lauren, are you already awake?" She asked once more. I just opened my eyes, and there she was, my beautiful, and amazing Camila Cabello.. 

"Guys! She's awake! Call the doctor!" She shouted as she looked back at me once again, locking those eyes in my eyes. 

"We will get some help, okay Lauren?" She said while cupping my cheeks, I nodded in return.

I felt that I wasn't in the hospital, I felt that when she was holding my cheeks, I was in her protection. Protecting me in every step of the way, and even though I talked to her in my dreams, I believe that was real.

In the insides, I was happy more than ever. 

It was happy because I was with Camila, the girl I'm madly in love with and that all matters to me right now, being with her, being in her arms, knowing that she'll protect me, through everything. 

AN: Hey guys ! Sorry for the long update, kay? Like I said, there would be Camren moments.. I'm planning on writing some other story. Just wanna tell you guys. Anyway, Love a lot! ;) xoxo :*

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