"Katsuki?" | Chapter 4

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Masaru got in bed about an hour after he tried to call Katsuki. As soon as he got in bed, he received a text message from Katsuki. His eyes widened. "Mitsuki! Look!" He handed her the phone with the text message.

'Im staying somewhere else for a couple days. I'm fine, don't call me till I come back.' Sent 8:38PM

"Oh, he's probably staying at Kirishima's." Masaru nodded his head in agreement.

"Yeah, lets hope he comes back soon." 

"Why are you like this, brat?! You always act like a damn villain!" Katsuki scoffs. "You made me this way, you old hag! You're the reason I act like this!" It was true. Katsuki was raised aggressively, so he grew up being aggressive. He knows that he's a bad child, but he also knows that Mitsuki is a bad parent. But he never thought she would ever say something like this.

"Oh my god, you are the biggest fucking mistake of my life!"

He knew she didn't mean it.


There is no possible way that his own mother would say something like that. He knows his mom is harsh but..she always tells the truth, even if it hurts. He remembers the first time he realized that, a month before he got his quirk and scraped his knee badly.

"Owww, mom that hurts.." 4 year old Katsuki whines as Mitsuki tries to clean the harsh cut on the boys knee. 

"Well that's what happens when you're not careful, you get hurt badly. Same thing with heroes, too! You want to be like All Might, right?" Katsuki nods vigorously. "Yeah! I'm gonna be even better that All Might! My quirk is gonna be the best, and I'll be the best hero ever!" Mitsuki chuckles. "Well, if you want to be like All Might, you can't be this reckless. You can never be a hero if you keep getting injured like this." 

Katsuki visibly deflates. "Thats so mean, mom! Izuku gets hurt all the time and he's gonna be the best sidekick!" Mitsuki sighs, cleaning up the blood oozing out of the wound. "Honey, the truth hurts. I'm not gonna lie to you like all the other moms to make you feel better. I will always tell you the truth, even if you don't like it. Do you understand?" Katsuki nods sadly, as he sees Mitsuki reach out to the brightly colored box of pro hero bandages. "Now, do you want an All Might or Endeavor bandaid?" Katsuki perks up at that. "All Might!"

Katsuki started to tear up at the memory, as well as in the realization that his mother actually did mean it. Like she said, she'll always tell Katsuki the truth, even if he doesn't like it.

Mitsuki's eyes widen with regret. "Katsuki, wait-" But before she could finish, Katsuki slammed the front door to the house.

Katsuki checked his phone. 6:53pm

He sighs shakily. Where was he going to stay? He could call Eijirou, but then again it is mother's day, he probably is having dinner with his moms now. He doens't want to bother him. And how would he get there? He could ask one of Eijirou's moms to pick him up, but that would especially be bothering them.

As he's thinking, he feels a sudden but violent wave of water fall onto him. He looks up to see that it started pouring rain. 

This is just fucking great, isn't it? He thinks sarcastically. 

Where could he go thats a short distance, and wouldn't be a huge bother? He could sleep outside but that would be idiotic- its freezing outside and he doesn't have any shelter. He tries to think of someplace that's preferably within walking distance and doesn't have a lot of people to deal with.

He think he knows a place. It might not be perfect, but he didn't really have any other option at the moment.

It's quiet and peaceful in the Midoriya household, besides the heavy rainfall outside. Izuku is setting the dinner table, as Inko fills the two bowls up with her famous Katsudon.

A warm, delectable scent infiltrates the air in the home, causing Izuku's stomach to growl loudly. Inko chuckles, as she brings the two bowls to the table. Izuku thanks his mother for the food, and hastily grabs his wooden chopsticks, taking a large bite of the pork cutlet. He was just about to take his second bite, before a loud knocking sound filled their ears.

"I'll get that, sweetie. You just stay here and eat your food." Inko says calmly. Izuku was about to protest, but Inko is already getting out of her chair and walking over to the door. She twists the handle and pulls it open, and dark forest green eyes meet the crimson ones of a familiar ash blond. The male looks extremely nervous, and he averts his eyes from her gaze. As soon as he turns his head, Inko catches a glimpse of a large bruise on his cheek. It has a small gash in the middle, and a drop of blood smeared on the wound, seeming like he tried to wipe it off.

She stands there for a moment, lost in her thoughts. "Katsuki, dear? Are you alright?" He quickly turns her way, and Inko notices that the blond had a steady stream of tears running down his face, dropping down onto the soft fabric of his shirt, that was already soaked because of the rain. He looks up at her, before grinning sadly. "Hey, Auntie."

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