Home | Chapter 8

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Eijirou and Katsuki get in the car shortly after. "This'll be so fun! It's like 11am right now, so when we get there I'll ask my mom if we can invite Sero, Kami, and Mina over! Then we can eat lunch, and play games! Aren't you excited?" Eijirou grins at him.

"Heh, yeah I am, you dork. I guess it'll be more fun then at home." Katsuki smiles a bit, looking over at the excited redhead.

"We're here!" Eijirou grins widely. "Really? I didn't notice." Katsuki says sarcastically. 

They step out of the car and open the front door. "Ooh, he's here!" Yua pops out of seemingly thin air. "Yua, my god! Stop scaring me!" Eijirou huffs out, before him and Katsuki walk to the living room. His mom lifts up her head. "Oh, hey Katsuki, nice to see you." The blond nods. "You too." He goes to the nearest chair and sits down. "Where's mama?" Eijirou says, plopping down on the couch. "She got called into work, so she won't be back for a couple hours." Eijirou nods.  "Anyways! Mom, mother, lovely woman who birthed me," She rolls her eyes. "Eijirou, get to the point." 

"Could a couple more friends come over? It's not a lot, it's like 3 other people." She glances over at Katsuki, before looking back at the pleading boy. "Fine. Just don't break anything, and don't make a ton of ruckus." Eijirou smiles before jumping up. "Thank you! Let's go call them, Katsuki!"

After a little bit, there was a loud knock. Eijirou rushed down at opened the door to be met with three overly excited teens. Kaminari was the first to rush in. "Yo, what's up!" He yells, "Kacchan, how you doing my man?" He says, putting his arm on the other blonds shoulder. "Ugh, get off, and stop calling me that." Katsuki groaned, pushing him off.

Eijirou smiles brightly. "Hey, guys!" Mina and Sero walk in next, closing the door behind them. "Hey, Kirishima!" Mina says cheerful, "Okay, I know we just got here, but do you have any food? I haven't had any food today and I'm starving!" Sero nods along with her in agreement. Mina walks to the kitchen, everyone else following. "Yeah! Uh, not gonna lie, we only really have junk food. Unless you wanna make something from scratch. My mom doesn't care what we do in the kitchen if we clean everything up after." The pink-haired girl groans. "I wish I could make something from scratch! All I can do in the kitchen is make those things that you just stick in the microwave." She whines, before nudging Katsuki. "Hey, I know you can cook good! Wanna do me a big favor and make me some food?" Katsuki just glares at her. "No, why would I do that? You should be capable of making something for yourself." 

Mina pouts, looking at him with sad eyes. Katsuki tries to avoid her gaze, before caving in. "Ugh, fine! Stop looking so upset!" Her expression instantly lit up as she smiled widely. "Yay! Thanks, Bakugou!"

Thirty minutes later, Katsuki walks into the living room with a plate full of Onigiri and Simmered Kombu and threw it on the table in front of them. "Shut up and move over, I'm hungry too." The blond boy says, before sitting down next to them and grabbing a rice ball. "Oh man, these are so good, bro. You need to teach me how to make them sometime." Kaminari groans, stuffing his face full with food. 

"Lets take the stuff we don't eat now to the room, so we can snack on them while we play games!" Eijirou says happily, before grabbing the tray and running upstairs. "Oh, yeah! Lets play video games!" Mina and the rest follow him up.

"I call having the starting controller!" Kaminari smirks, before turning on the console and grabbing the nearest controller. "Well, I only have 3 controllers so we have to take turns." Eijirou quickly grabs another controller, and Mina grabs the last one. "Hehe, I guess you guys to wait!"

While the three hyper teens are busy playing, Katsuki glances over at Sero. The black haired boy is unusually quiet and sullen. Katsuki nudges the boy with his arm, trying to get his attention. "Oh, hey Bakugou. What's up?" Sero says, not meeting the blond's eyes. "Why do you look so sad? Don't give me a shitty answer, either." Sero looks away. "What are you talking about? Nothing is wrong." Katsuki huffs before dragging Sero out of the room, the three others too into their game to notice. Katsuki looks straight at the taller boy. "Look, I get it if you don't want to tell me. But it makes me feel like shit when you idiots are upset."

Sero sighs. "Just..please don't tell the others. It's embarrassing and they haven't even noticed anything wrong with me yet, so don't tell them." Katsuki nods and looks at him expectantly. "Well, my parents are..drug addicts. Don't look at me like that! They're really good people, and they love me a lot. But last night they had so much to smoke and I even got high off of it. I didn't want to, I never want to get high when they smoke. It just makes me upset when they do this to the point that it affects me too. It's really embarrassing so I just wanted to keep it a secret." He finishes, starting to tear up near the end. Katsuki looks down, thinking. "You shouldn't be embarrassed if you don't really have control over it. Them loving you shouldn't mean they're allowed to be ignorant of your feelings. Even if they have good intent. If they're actually decent people, you should talk to them about your feelings and shit." Sero looks at Katsuki, dumbfounded. "I..didn't expect to hear that from you, but thanks, man. It'll take a while to build up the courage to talk to them, but I will soon. Again, thanks for listening to me rant." 

Katsuki huffs before turning back towards the door. "Whatever. You're..welcome, I guess. Now come on, I need to beat your ass in Mario Kart."

"Man, that was so fun! We need to do this more often." Kaminari says, putting on his shoes. Eijirou looks at him incredulously. "We do this literally almost every week or two." Katsuki sighs tiredly. "Okay, you idiots go ahead and leave. It's already 7:30 and I wanna go to bed soon." Mina laughs loudly. "I'm still amazed by you every day, Bakugou. I have never in my 17 years of life met a teenage boy who goes to bed at 8." 

"Well now you have, fuck off." He groans, pushing them all out of the door. "Bye, guys! I'll see you tomorrow!" Eijirou says, waving. His mama comes into the hallways and sees them. "Oh, they finally left? Great, I can start dinner." 

Right after they ate, Katsuki says he's going to go to bed. "Oh, alright! Do you mind sharing a bed with Eijirou, or should he sleep on the couch?" Eijirou gapes at his mom as Katsuki snickers. "As much as I'd love to kick him out of his own bed, I'm fine sharing." 

Katsuki lays down and faces Eijirou, thinking. "What should I do about my bag?" Eijirou thought for a moment before getting up and reaching into his closet. "I bought an extra bag last year in case I ripped my first one, so you can use this! You can borrow my pencils and blank notebooks too." Katsuki nods, before motioning for him to come back. "How are you so energetic? It's 8:20." Eijirou climbs back under the covers. "Yeah, it's only 8:20." 

Katsuki smirks. "Oh, we're waking up at 5." Eijirou looks at Katsuki in shock. "Katsuki, please no..I don't want to get up so early.." 

"Well, I guess you should go to sleep now, huh? I already set my alarm, I'm still waking you up." He says, burying his head in the pillow and closing his eyes. Eijirou sighs, before kissing his temple and reluctantly falling asleep as well.

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