Katsudon | Chapter 5

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I'm sorry the updates are kinda slow, but Im really happy you guys love this book so much!

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She stands there for a moment, lost in her thoughts. "Katsuki, dear? Are you alright?" He quickly turns her way, and Inko notices that the blond had a steady stream of tears running down his face, dropping down onto the soft fabric of his shirt, that was already soaked because of the rain. He looks up at her, before grinning sadly. "Hey, Auntie."

Inko stares at Katsuki longer than intended. She hasn't seen Katsuki in so long, but this isn't how she imagined meeting him again. Something is extremely off putting by the way Katsuki looks. Of course there was the blatantly obvious fact that he is hurt and upset, but why is he here? Who hurt him? Why didn't he go straight to his home? Her thoughts wander before she notices that she is staring at him, and snaps out of it. Now that her mind is focused, she realizes that he is still standing out in the cold, pouring rain.

"Sweetie! Get inside, you'll catch a cold!" She beckons him inside, before turning to Izuku in the other room. "Izuku, can you go get a towel!" She hears him scamper to the bathroom, before running back to the entrance of the house, towel in hand. Izuku locks eyes with the soaking wet blond standing in his doorway. 

Katsuki rolls his eyes discretely. "Stop staring nerd, give me the towel." He said, arm outstretched towards the shorter boy. "Right, sorry!" Katsuki dries himself off with the towel before looking back at the white cotton to find it stained with a small smear of his blood. "Shit! I got blood on it from the cut on my face- I didn't-" 

Inko chuckles. "It's fine, dear. Hydrogen peroxide gets it out pretty well. Izuku, can you go get me some?" Izuku nods before walking to the medicine cabinet. Inko turns back to Katsuki. "You should go take a warm shower, you must be freezing." 

"But-" Inko shakes her head. "No buts! You're gonna get sick if you don't! We don't have to talk about why you're hear, we can save the talking till you're comfortable. I'm guessing you don't really have anywhere else to go?" Katsuki reluctantly shakes his head. "Alright, you can spend the night here and stay as long as you want." 

Katsuki brutally glares at the wall next to him. "But it's mother's day, you shouldn't have to-" 

"I want to! Trust me, you aren't intruding at all. You're practically family, and it's nice to have company." Katsuki nods, softening his glare at the wall. "Thanks." Inko smiles. "Alright, you go get a shower. I'll see if Izuku has some clothes you can wear." She leaves to go find Izuku, while Katsuki goes to get in the shower.

Izuku walks back down to the doorway to find his mom. "Thanks honey!" She says, before taking the bottle and dabbing it on the towel. "Hey mom?..Uh, why is Kacchan here? And why is he hurt? It's mothers day, shouldn't he be..you know, with his mom?" Inko looks down. "I don't know exactly. I have my theories, but it's none of our business to pry. Of course, he should probably vaguely tell me why to see if he's in danger or needs somewhere to stay again, but if he doesn't want to tell you, he doesn't have to. I know you're concerned about him, Izuku, but he's strong. He won't go down without a fight. I'll try to talk to him in the morning, but if he doesn't feel like talking, he doesn't have to." Izuku nods understandingly. "Now, I'm sure you have some pajamas that Katsuki can borrow, right? He's in the shower and I don't want him to wear soaking wet clothes." 

"Yeah! I'll go get them now." Izuku walks back to his bedroom to pick out some of his bigger clothes for Katsuki. He's grown since first year, but not by much. It's no surprise that Izuku's still decently shorter than him.

He gets the clothes together before heading to the bathroom and knocking. "Uh, Kacchan? There's some clothes out here that you can wear!" He folds them up and sets them next to the door. He walks back to the kitchen quickly- his food is probably cold by now. As he sits down, he notices an extra bowl next to him. 'Ah, that's probably for Kacchan.' He thinks, as he picks up his fork. "Izuku, wait for him to get out of the shower please." He sets the utensil back down, reluctantly. "Right, sorry." 

As if on cue, Katsuki comes down almost immediately after that. "Katsuki, come sit! I made you a bowl." 

"You really didn't have to do all this." Inko shakes her head. "It's the least I could do, really. Now come eat, you must be hungry." Katsuki sits down hesitantly, before picking up his fork and taking a bite.

They eat in silence for a while. Izuku is taking a bite, but when Inko asked Katsuki-"So, how are things with you and Kirishima? Mitsuki told me you two started dating!"-Izuku spits out the food. "What?!" He whips his head around to look at Katsuki, who is beet red. "You're dating Kirishima?!" 

"Shut up! It was supposed to be a secret!" Inko hears this and waves her hands around. "Ah, I'm so sorry! I thought Izuku knew!" Katsuki shakes his head. "Ugh, it's not your fault I guess." He turns back to Izuku. "Don't tell anyone about us, nobody else knows right now besides Dumb Hair's friends." Izuku giggles internally. 'He still calls him that, but less frequently.' 

 "You mean your friends as well?" Katsuki glared at Izuku. "Shut up." Inko chuckles nervously. "Alright, lets just finish our food and go to bed. You must be tired, Katsuki. Don't you go to bed really early?" Katsuki checks his watch. 


Oh, that must be why Katsuki feels so tired. But he is probably emotionally tired too, as reluctant he is to admit it.

"Yeah, I'm done with my food. I'll wash out my bowl." He stands up and goes to the kitchen to rinse his bowl. When he comes back, he see's a futon set up. "Katsuki, you should sleep in Izuku's room. He can sleep here!" Katsuki cringes at the thought of sleeping in his room. All of those posters and figurines, not to mention the fact that he'd be sleeping in his bed. Gross. Sure, Katsuki and him have repaired their relationship slightly since last year, but he still didn't really want to interact with him. God, why did he come over here? 'Auntie Inko is nice I guess. Deku isn't really getting in my way completely, so this is fine for now.' He sighs. "I'm fine sleeping here. He can stay in his room." Inko shakes her head cheerfully. "No dear, it's perfectly fine! You can-" 

"Mom, just let him sleep here please. He wants to." Inko looks over at Katsuki. "Yeah. I do want to." Inko sighs. "Alright dear. But if you get uncomfortable, don't hesitate to switch with Izuku! Now, you two go brush your teeth. I'll see you in the morning." Inko smiles, before walking off to her room.

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Katsuki is laying on the futon, on his phone. He reluctantly pulls up his father's contact, before sending a text message to let him know that he's fine. Hopefully they don't try and find him.

'Im staying somewhere else for a couple days. I'm fine, don't call me till I come back.' Sent 8:38PM

He sighs, before putting away his phone. God, he's tired. Maybe this is all just one bad dream. As he tries to fall asleep, he has a sudden thought. 

'What if the old hag feels bad? Is she worried now? Would she be..happy? If I came back?'

Katsuki shakes his head. No way. She wanted this. She's never happy when it comes to him. Why would she change now?

He closes his eyes, drifting asleep with these thoughts in mind.

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