Mistakes | Chapter 3

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Bakugou's eyes widen as Mitsuki's and Masaru's does the same. The blond male quickly turns and rushes to the living room- towards the front door. He quickly grabs his phone as well. Mitsuki's eyes glisten with regret. "Katsuki-" Mitsuki tries, but as soon as she says that the front door slams shut harshly, indicating Bakugou's leave.

For the first time in Masaru's life, he's absolutely furious.

"Mitsuki, what the hell was that?!"

Masaru rushes over to the front door in attempt to get Katsuki back. He opens the door and calls out his son's name. "Katsuki!" He looks around, but the ash blond is no where to be seen. He tries to think rationally, but all he can think about is how Mitsuki caused all of this. Katsuki is out there, in the cold, and he has no where to go. He knows for a fact Mitsuki loves Katsuki and they usually have a close relationship. They are both aggressive and harsh, but mean very well. Mitsuki has been stressed with work lately, and she never says anything that bad to Katsuki, but what she said tonight was horrid. He can't believe his wife said that to her own child. 

Masaru feels a hot tear fall down his face, contradicting the freezing cold air. He shut the door, and turned to find Mitsuki with a hand covering her mouth and widened eyes. He swears he sees tears in her eyes as well. 

"Masaru, I-I didn't mean-" She starts, but Masaru interupts her. "I know you didn't." He says, extremely frustrated. "But that doesn't make it right at all. Why would you say that? I know you're stressed, but what the heck?" Mitsuki's hand slowly falls off her face, shamefully turning her head down. "I know I..I don't know why I said that..He's not a mistake! I-I mean, sure he's mean and rude and a brat but he's a smart and handsome boy and I didn't mean to say that!" She has large tears running down her face by now. Masaru was getting more pissed the longer his wife spoke. 

"Look Mitsuki, I'm gonna say it straight. You make some huge mistakes in parenting him. You praise him, but then you say he gets praised too much. You can smack him lightly as a joke, but you smack him way too hard!" Mitsuki turns her head to the side in shame. "In middle school with the sludge villain, you told him that he should of been stronger! He literally just turned 14! At the sports festival when our son was literally chained him up, you said 'That brat is embarrassing our whole family!' And don't get me started on when he got freaking kidnapped and you said that he was weak and causing every trouble! It's absolutely horrible!" Masaru takes a deep breath before continuing. He can see Mitsuki in tears.

"And I know your dad was like that as well. I know he beat you and your mom constantly and was extremely cruel." He walked over to Mitsuki and grabbed her hand. "But you don't have to be like that. I know you hate this, but you need therapy. So does Katsuki. You both have extremely bad anger issues and trauma." His wife did not seem to like that idea. She yanked away her hand. "What the hell?! We're not going to a shrink! We're fine! I took it too far and I get it!" He sighed. "You also get extremely defensive about things. Going to a therapist doesn't make you weak. It means you are willing to get stronger. Please. Do it for our family. For Katsuki." 

Mitsuki stands there for a second before tears start rolling down her face again. She puts her head on Masaru's shoulder. "Okay. But what are we going to do about him missing?" 

"He brought his phone, so I can try calling him." Masaru says, pulling out his phone and calling Katsuki. The phone rings for a second before Katsuki declined the call. Masaru sighs sadly. "He didn't answer. Let's just go to bed, and we can see what we can do in the morning." Mitsuki nodded her head and they head off to bed.

Masaru got in bed about an hour after he tried to call Katsuki. As soon as he got in bed, he received a text message from Katsuki. His eyes widened. "Mitsuki! Look!" He handed her the phone with the text message. 

'Im staying somewhere else for a couple days. I'm fine, don't call me till I come back.'  Sent 8:38PM

"Oh, he's probably staying at Kirishima's." Masaru nodded his head in agreement. 

"Yeah, lets hope he comes back soon." 

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