Comfort | Chapter 7

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Katsubro: Night

Katsubro: ...

Katsubro: <3

Eijirou looks down at his phone to see the latest text Katsuki sent. He blushes lightly, before discretely taking a screenshot of it and putting his phone away.

Eijirou woke up to his younger sister jumping on him aggressively. "Yua, get off!" He groans. She giggles before getting off of him. "You're so grumpy in the morning!" He checks his watch to see the time. "Wha- it's only 9:30! I could of slept for at least a couple more hours!"

"Mama said to wake you up, she made breakfast." She says, before pulling him out of bed. "Fine!" He sighs, letting her pull him down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Good morning, sleeping beauty." His mom says sarcastically. "It's not late! Why do I get bullied in my own home.." He deflates dramatically, sitting on the barstool next to Yua. "Why are you guys sitting down? I ain't bringing a plate to you." Eijirou hops out of his chair before walking over to the stove and getting some food. He walks back to the barstool and starts scarfing it down. Yua decides to sit in the living room with mom. Mama starts to pick up her purse. "I'm gonna go to the store. Eijirou, I know you just got your driver's license, but don't go anywhere without letting your mother know."

"I know." She leaves, and Eijirou starts to puts his plate away before his phone rings in his pocket. He looks at the contact, before quickly answering. "Katsuki, hey!" Yua pops around the corner. "Oooh, can he come over again? He's fun!" Eijirou sighs before walking outside. "Sorry, what were you saying?" He hears the blond mumble something across the phone. "Could you speak up? I can't hear you."

"My mom and I got into a bad fight."

Ah, shit. Katsuki and his mother fight all the time and he never talks about it, that means this must of been bad. "How bad was it? Are you okay? Do you need somewhere to stay?" He hears Katsuki sigh. " was really bad. I'm at Deku's house right now since it was closest but I don't want to stay here."

"You wanna stay here for a bit? I'll drive over there, I'm pretty sure I know the address." He says, before walking back inside. "Alright." He hears, before the call ended.

"Hey mom, can Katsuki stay here for a couple days?" She raises her head, confused. "Huh? Why?" Yua sits up, smiling widely. "Because I asked!" Eijirou groans. "No, it's not because Yua asked. Can you go out of the room for a minute? I need to talk to mom." Yua whines loudly, but gets up and leaves.

"Uh, in a bad fight with his mom and doesn't want to go back there for a couple days." His mom looks at him with skepticism. "Maybe it's better if he just goes home and apologizes." Eijiro's eyes widen. "What? It's not his fault, though!"

"Its not? Do you know what they fought about?" Eijirou looked down. "N-No.." It's true he didn't know what they fought about, but he felt like it wasn't Katsuki's fault at all. "But I'm heading over to where he is, I can ask about it! Please just let him stay here, he said it was a really bad fight." His mom sighs. "Fine. But he needs to tell me and your mom why he's running away so we understand better, okay?" Eijirou's mind is yelling at her that he's not running away and she just doesn't know what Katsuki's been through, but he keeps his composure. "I understand." He says, leaving the house quickly.

When gets there, and he sees Katsuki on the steps of Midoriya's house. He looks at the large bruise on his face and immediately knows who did it. "Katsuki..what happened?" The blond looks to the side, not wanting to meet his eyes. "It's..a long story."

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Masaru stares down at the text Mitsuki sent to their son in disbelief. 

Mitsuki: You need to stop running away from your problems. If I were you, I'd come home now. Sent 10:42am 

"Mitsuki, why did you text this to him? This is only going to hurt him more, even if it's a small thing. I love you and I know he loves you too, but you've hurt him enough." Mitsuki looks down. "I wasn't try to hurt him, I just want him to come home already." He shakes his head. "We've already been over this, but what you said to him was horrible. He deserves a break. Just let him calm down, and when he's ready you can apologize." Mitsuki sighs exasperatedly. Masaru chuckles. "You know, you and him are really similar. I remember you were like him as a teen. Mitsuki groans and covers her face with her hands. "Don't make me feel worse about what I said to him." Masaru looks back down at the phone in his hand. "You should probably text him again telling him to take a break." She nods, taking the phone from him.

Mitsuki: Actually, take as long as you need. You deserve a break. Sent 10:44am

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When Katsuki finishes explain, Eijirou's eyes look like saucers. He knew it was bad but he didn't know it was that bad. He's extremely furious at Katsuki's mom He doesn't know what to say, so he just wraps his arms around the other boy and pulls him into a hug. They stay like that for a while, before Katsuki's phone goes off.

Mitsuki: You need to stop running away from your problems. If I were you, I'd come home now. Sent 10:42am

Katsuki visibly deflates. "She's right, it's not gonna get better if I keep running." He stands, before getting pulled back down by Eijirou. "No, she's not right. She hurt you and she's been hurting you for a long time, you're allowed to relax without her around. C'mon, just stay with me for a couple days. I don't want you to get hurt more by going back there." Katsuki sighed, sitting back down on the step of the front door. "I don't want to bother your moms or your sister." Eijirou laughs. "Okay first off, my sister always begs me to ask you to come over, and my moms love you. Trust me, you won't be a bother. I've already asked them and they're fine with it." Katsuki looks back at him. "Fine, but only for a little bit."  

Just as he says that, his phone goes off again.

Mitsuki: Actually, take as long as you need. You deserve a break. Sent 10:44am

This confuses Katsuki, this doesn't sound like his mom at all. Maybe she's starting to understand a little? 

"See? I think you both need a break. Here, let's go tell Mrs. Midoriya that you're staying with me. We'll have so much fun! I can even invite the rest of the squad, Mina's feeling better so she can come over too! I promise it'll be fun!" He say cheerfully, grabbing Katsuki's hand and pulling him up. They open the door and look for Inko. "Oh, Kirishima, hello!" Eijirou smiles widely. "Hi, Mrs. Midoriya! Is it alright if Katsuki stays at my house now? We can walk together on Monday as well."

"Oh, of course! But Katsuki, we're still going to do something about this situation. I'll call her sometime soon and try and talk some sense into her. Is that alright?" Katsuki sighs. "Yeah, if you can." Inko smiles, before patting his shoulder. "I hope I'll see you soon! In a happier setting, that is." Katsuki laughs. "Yeah, hopefully."

Eijirou and Katsuki get in the car shortly after. "This'll be so fun! It's like 11am right now, so when we get there I'll ask my mom if we can invite Sero, Kami, and Mina over! Then we can eat lunch, and play games! Aren't you excited?" Eijirou grins at him.

"Heh, yeah I am, you dork. I guess it'll be more fun then at home." Katsuki smiles a bit, looking over at the excited redhead.

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