Mishaps | Chapter 1

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Sorry the chapter is so short. I know its starting off slow, but it'll get better, just you wait >;)

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He sighs, before shutting the door and slipping off his shoes, putting them in the closet next to the front door.

He walks over to the kitchen and sets the groceries down on the counter. He picks out the ingredients he needs and puts the rest in the fridge. He gets out a pot and melts some butter on medium heat.

Once it is completely melted, he slowly pours some milk in it, careful not to curdle it. He then very gradually adds in flour, a tablespoon at a time. He continues to add flour until the mixture is an even, slightly running consistency. He grabs the high-quality Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese he just bought, and finely grates it.

He then gradually adds the cheese to the pot, stirring until it is thoroughly combined. He adds a dash of salt and pepper. He also adds a pinch of cayenne pepper and a bit of oregano to bring out the flavor.

He put the pot on the stove and turns it the lowest setting possible, before pulling the vacuum out of the closet and walking over to the living room. He turns it on and starts to run the vacuum over the floor. He continues this until he stumbles over the cord and bumps into the table, causing Mitsuki's wine glass to fall off the table and spill red wine on the carpet.

"Fuck!" He curses, running to the kitchen to grab a rag and cleaner. He rushes back to the living room and attempts to clean the mess. He sprayed the cleaner and tried to get rid of the red stain, but nothing was working.

He grips his blond hair roughly. "Damn it, damn it, damn it! She's gonna be fucking pissed, damn it!" He turns around to look at the clock to see its already 3:22pm, he only has about 15 minutes until they get home.

He tries his best to at least clean some of it, before going over to check on the roux. He turns the heat off completely, and starts working on the pasta. He bought the gnocchi pre-made, because he doesnt have time to make his own.

He sets a pot of water on the stove and turns it to high heat, and waits for it to boil. He walks over to the living room and starts dusting off the tables.

As if on cue, he hears the front door open loudly.

"Hey brat, we're home!" Bakugou groans loudly. "Yeah, I can hear that!"

"Don't talk back to me Katsuki! It's mothers day, don't be rude!" She yells, stomping over to living room.

As soon as she steps foot into the room, she gasps loudly. "What the fuck, Katsuki?!" She snaps, staring at the large red stain on the carpet. "Oh come on, we can just get a steam cleaner and it'll be gone. Plus, it was your wine you left on the edge of the table."

"You should of watched out for it! Now I have another thing to worry about, you brat!" She walks over and smacks him on the back of the head, and Bakugou swats at her hands in response. "Oh, fuck off! I'll pay for it!" Mitsuki rolls her eyes. "That isn't the problem! God, Izuku wouldn't do anything like this! And you're so fucking rude! Your boyfriend is so nice and sweet, why does he even like you?!"

"I dont know! But I know damn well you're rude too!" Masaru smiles awkwardly and tries to stop the fight. "U-Uh, hey, why don't we calm down and-" "Shut up old man!" Mitsuki smacks him on the head again. "Don't talk to your father like that!..And shut up Masaru!" Masaru sighs and walks out of the living room, not wanting to be involved.

"I need to go check on the food, hurry up with your bitching!" Mitsuki grabs his shoulder tightly. "Dont talk to me like that!"

They hear Masaru call from the kitchen. "Um, Katsuki? Can you come here? The water is boiling over!"



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