chapter nineteen

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"shut up." he mumbled, making me let out a giggle.

i picked up my phone and went onto twitter as nick and clay walked into the room, continuing to tease george about the whole babe situation. i was looking through my mentions when i saw a dm notification from a random account pop up on my screen. i clicked on it and read through what it said. my mouth dropped open and my heart began to speed up as i slid out and realized there were multiple different things sent from different accounts. i looked through the messages.

"stay tf away from george."

"ive been a fan of him for way longer than you have bitch. why should you get him?"

"this whole babe thing better be a joke or i stg."

"fuck you."

"you've know him for a month step down."

"you are nothing compared to him. let him have a real streamer."

george looked over at me and stopped laughing when he saw the tears forming in my eyes.

"y/n? hey what's wrong?" he asked as he looked at the phone in my shaking hand. he grabbed the phone before i could read anything else. nick and clay stood behind george as he read the messages, looking over his shoulder. george handed my phone to nick and shifted so that he i could hug him. "y/n i am so sorry." i put my head on his shoulder and wrapped my arms around his back, quietly letting the built up tears fall out of my eyes. i quickly picked up my head and wiped them away.

"no i'm sorry," i sniffled, "i shouldn't be crying over something so dumb as this." i let out a small, sad laugh as i wiped the tears from under my eyes.

"no. you have every right to be upset." said nick as he sat down next to me.

"exactly. that is just messed up." clay agreed.

"i have an idea." george said as he grabbed his phone and opened the twitter app. he started typing and i looked over his shoulder to see what he was saying.

hey everyone. i have a few things i need to address quickly. first of all thanks for watching the stream tonight. during the stream after y/n died, i called her babe. that was a joke. i thought that since i could joke around with dream and sapnap i could joke around with her as well. plus the word babe is gross. even if it wasn't, attacking y/n is never EVER okay. if you were any of the people who did so i will be blocking you.

he sent the tweet and turned to face nick and clay,

"hey guys can you give us a sec?" george asked. they quickly agreed and walked out of the room shutting the door. "hey," he said wiping a tear off my cheek, "i want you to know it wasn't a joke. i really really like you y/n. i just don't want to see you get hurt because of me." he said. i smiled and pulled him into a hug.

"george. you should not feel guilty for any of this. i'm just being sensitive. i really really like you too, okay?" i pulled out out of the hug and looked him in the eyes, giving him a soft smile. he smiled back and kissed the back of my hand. i giggled as i pulled him off my bed. "now go get in the shower. you need it." i jokingly plugged my nose and he looked at me with an offended expression as he walked into the bathroom. i laughed as i heard a knock on my door and opened it to see val, eleanor and bella standing outside.

"they told us what happened. y/n i'm so sorry." eleanor said giving me a big hug. bella and val joined in as i tried my best to hug all of them back.

"don't worry it's all okay. i just got a little caught up in the moment i guess." i said as i smiled at them. i walked over to my bed and sat down after our hug broke up and motioned for them to do that same. i told them the whole story, beginning with the stream. i showed them the screenshots of the messages i had received as well.

"damn," said bella, "people really can't stand seeing their faves happy."

"you'd think that's what they would want," val added.

"apparently not." i said as i laughed. "but for real don't worry. george tweeted something and i'm just hoping the whole situation blows over quickly." they all reluctantly believed me as i pulled them into another big hug. "i love you guys." i said.

"yeah whatever. we love you too i guess." said eleanor as we all laughed. i yawned and looked over at the clock, seeing it was around four pm. once everyone left my room, i decided to take a quick nap before dinner. as i was falling asleep one of the messages popped into my head.

"you are nothing compared to him. let him have a real streamer."

you are nothing...

my eyes shot open as i tried to shake the message from my brain. i looked around my room and saw the teddy bear george had won for me on my dresser. i sat up and climbed off my bed, grabbing the bear and returning to my previous spot lying down in my bed. i hugged the bear close to me as i started to fill my mind with good thoughts. like how i've been with my best friends for three days and still get to spend four more with them. i smiled into the bear as i felt myself drift off into sleep.

my eyes fluttered open as i felt a light touch on my arm. feeling startled, i quickly lifted my arm and slapped whatever was touching me as fast as i could.

"Y/N?? WHAT THE HELL?" someone whisper yelled. my eyes fully adjusted to the light to see george was standing over me with his hand on his cheek. i brought my hand over my mouth and stood up.

"oh my gosh george i am so sorry. but, you scared the absolute shit out of me at," i looked at the clock, "one thirty two am, what do you expect me to do?" i lifted my hand up to his face to inspect his cheek. it looked slightly red but not enough to leave a mark, maybe just for the morning. he winced as i gently touched the mark with my fingertips. i quickly pulled them back and he began to speak.

"i just came up to bring you some food since you missed dinner. i came in here to get you but you were out cold." he walked over to my dresser and brought over a plate filled with chicken tenders and fries, as well as a small salad in a separate bowl. i frowned as i sat down on the floor and put the food next to me.

"now i feel even worse for slapping you." i said as i grabbed one of the tenders and took a bite, picking up one of the napkins he brought over and putting it on my lap. he just laughed and sat down in front of me. he filled me in on the conversations they had during dinner as i ate my food. i had to try and quiet my laughter and hold in my wheeze when he told me that val and clay got lost on their way to pick up our food. our laughs were joined by a series of shushing and snorting which cause even more laughter. a few minutes later we finally settled down and i had finished my dinner, putting my plates back on my dresser and telling george to wait there while i went into the bathroom to wash my hands and brush my teeth. i walked back in to see him sitting at my computer, minecraft open in the tab. he turned around and held up his laptop.

"since you basically just woke up and are probably not all that tired, do you wanna play?"

it started with the stream { georgenotfound x reader }Where stories live. Discover now