chapter twenty six

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i waved to them before turning around and facing security, pulling my suitcase behind me.

the flight home was not as bad as i expected it to be, i eventually stopped crying when we reached the gate and was so emotionally drained when we finally boarded that i ended up falling asleep on val for the majority of the flight. i woke up to the plane jolting around during turbulence and looked to see that val had just woken up as well. a few minutes after i clicked back into reality and out of my groggy sleep state, the pilot came on the loud speaker and told us we had begun our decent to lax airport. i turned to look out of the window and saw the city of la through the clouds below me. it all seemed so calm from up here, not being able to see any people or cars, just stillness. i checked my phone. 11:20. we had flown back into pacific time zone some time while i was asleep but, it would be about 1:20 pm in texas now. eleanor, clay, and bella would be boarding their flight in about ten minutes while tommy and george would have to wait a few more hours before they made their way back to england. after a couple minutes of flying down, the wheels on the plane popped out as we safely landed on the runway. not wanting to think about being away from everyone, i remembered something very important. i turned to val.

"oh my god val," i said slapping her arm, "we get to go get nala!" i said as val perked up and smiled.

"YES YES YES!" she whispered screamed since we were still in our seats, waiting to be released to the baggage claim. the plane came to a full stop and we made our way into the aisle and out of the plane, feeling the warm california air as i stepped off into the airport. val and i made our way to the baggage claim, excited to go get see nala. we picked up our bags and walked out into the busy streets of LA, i called amanda so she could come pick us up. a few minutes later, she pulled up. val and i walked over to the car smiling.

"GUYS I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH," she said giving us both a hug over her seat, "and so has nala!"

"we've missed you too!" val said, laughing as amanda pulled out of the lot, making her way to the apartment.we began to tell her the stories of the trip but didn't go into much detail so we could tell the stories to ida and stef as well. stef had went to her parents house but, we would told her we would facetime her when we got there. when we pulled up to the apartment, ida was waving to us from the window. we all smiled looking up at her and i got out of the car, moving all the belongings over to my car that i left there for the week. after val and i loaded everything in, we made our way upstairs to see ida the doorway.

"someone's excited to see you..." ida said as she opened the door slightly, revealing a flash of brown as something jumped onto a bed behind her. we tiptoed in and stood behind nala as she clawed a stuffed mouse. i slowly walked in front of her as her eyes looked up, she let go of the mouse and purred loudly as she ran over to me and rubbed up against my shoulder. val walked over and she had the same reaction. we laughed at how excited she seemed and stayed a few moments, petting her as ida and amanda settled in. we walked over and sat on the couch with them, amanda facetimed stef and we said hey to everyone. a few minutes later we began to tell them everything.

"and then we left." i said as i looked around at our friends faces, silence present in the room.

"wow. i wasn't even there and that hurt me." stef said over the facetime call. i just laughed in response.

"well, now you can imagine how much it hurt me," i said in a joking manner, "but really i'm fine now, mostly." my friends all smiled at me as i checked my watch, val spoke before i could.

"we should probably get going," she said, "ya know, check on the apartment, make sure everything is okay." amanda nodded as we walked over to ida to say goodbye to stef on the call. she hung up and we both said goodbye to amanda and ida, giving them big hugs before grabbing all of nala's necessities and walking back down to the car. i got in the drivers seat and val sat in the passenger seat next to me, nala in her lap. we waved goodbye to ida and amanda in the window as i pulled out of the driveway, beginning the journey home. after about twenty minutes of driving, we arrived back home. i grabbed as much stuff as i could as val and i made our way to our apartment. i put down my carry on bag and grabbed the key to the door out of my sweatshirt pocket. as soon i opened the door, i was hit with the apartment scent i was so used to. i smiled as i walked into my room, putting my suitcases and bags on my bed. val set nala's stuff back to normal and went back to the car to grab all of her stuff. i followed her down the stairs and grabbed one of the bags from the backseat. after making sure nothing was left, i locked the car. hearing the satisfying click of the lock. after bringing the final bags into our home, i shut the door and breathed out. i walked over to the glass doors that protected our balcony and opened them, the familiar LA air hitting me in the face as i stepped on to it. i stood for a while, leaning against the railing, watching a plane slowly move above me. once the plane was out of view, i pushed off of the railing and landed back in the living room. knowing we had no food, i walked over to the fridge.

"hey val?" i yelled to her, "wanna go to the grocery store with me later today?" i added as i opened up the fridge to see a few bottles of water and other beverages, luckily there was no moldy food to worry about. as i was making my way to val's room to see when she wanted to go to the store when i felt a small buzz in my sweatshirt pocket. i pulled out my phone and my heart sped up as i saw the instagram notification on my screen.

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