Chapter 4- Yeonjun

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 Yeonjun's POV

"Hey! It's the nerd and why does he look so awful?" "Yah, he looks even worse than normal, which is saying something!"

Yeonjun walked down the hallway of his all boy school, ignoring the crusty comments thrown his way. You must be wondering why he goes to an all boy school, well you see, his parents just sent him to the closest school to their house, which happened to be an all boy school. 

The comments that his classmates threw at him didn't even affect him at all. He was used to it. 

Ever since he started going to this school, he made a strong barrier around himself. He created this structure that let no person or nasty comments inside. Unfortunately, it also meant that Yeonjun couldn't escape his own barrier. He was trapped in a wall of his own thoughts, slowly being suffocated without realizing it. He couldn't realize it because he was alone in his barrier.

 There was no one there to help him escape his own thoughts. 

No one there to say nice things to him. 

No one there to help him up when he feels down. 

No one there to give him company. 

No one there to care for him. 

No one.


This was a day in Yeonjun's boring and pathetic life.

 Yeonjun made his way over to his seat at the back corner of the room, where no one sat (this is a reflection of my life, no one sat next to me ;) ). He usually paid close attention to the words flying out of the teachers mouth, but today was an exception. 

He barely got any sleep because of last night, so he placed his head on the desk and softly banged it on the desk to keep him awake. Other people may think he is a maniac and has lost mind, Yeonjun thinks that it is one way to stay awake at school. He heard a few people gasping, but he ignored it like always. 

He rubbed his crusty eyes and stared ahead at the teachers board. Then his eyes grew as wide as saucers. 

On the board, in big neat letters, it said 'FINDING THE TRUE PRINCE OF AYRA' 

"OKAY EVERYONE" the teacher said loudly, making Yeonjun jump in his seat. 

"First of all, is anyone absent today?" the teacher asked. "Yeonjun" some boy from up front said loudly. Yeonjun glared at that person as they turned around to look at the back of the room. Once that person's eyes met Yeonjun's, they said "Oh." They actually looked surprised, so that means they genuinely thought that Yeonjun was absent. "I love the stink eye you gave him," the teacher said to Yeonjun with a hint of amusement laced in her tone (Fun fact: this exact situation, word for word, happened to me in 7th grade. I wanted to add this scene because it builds up Yeonjun's character, which is similar to mine). 

Yeonjun shot a small smile at the teacher, but then immediately drew his attention back to the board. Unconsciously, Yeonjun's hands started to sweat. This is something that the poor boy couldn't control, and he hated it.

Wtf is going on? I thought I was the only person that doesn't live in the castle that knew about the secret child?? All this thinking gave Yeonjun a mini headache. 

After a few seconds, which felt like years to Yeonjun, the teacher said, "If you guys were listening, which I doubt it, you guys would have known that the kingdom is possibly going to be under attack." The whole class gasped loudly at this, one person even decided to scream. "Shut up Daniel!" (made up name) the teacher screamed back at him.

I am this close to yeeting myself out the window, Yeonjun thought to himself.

"Anyways, you guys don't have to worry, no one will get harmed. It's just a light attack on the kingdom. The reason why I have mentioned this is because the King and Queen have made a very special and shocking announcement this morning! Apparently a few years ago, the King and Queen had a child, and I'm not talking about Prince Beomgyu, there was a child slightly older than him. 

We know that the child is a male and is still within this kingdom because no one has left the kingdom since the abduction of the true Prince. Today, they started releasing kits that can take your dna, send it to the palace, and then see if it matches with the only dna sample of the true Prince. That dna sample of the true Prince came from a blanket. It was the blanket he was wrapped in when he was born. 

Unfortunately, that is all the information the King and Queen shared. So right now at the front of the room, we have a bunch of kits for you to open and see if your dna matches. You guys aren't the only ones giving your dna, everyone in the kingdom that is a male under 18 is doing this right now. 

"I don't know why the King and Queen suddenly announced this and want the kits back as soon as possible, but that's something that we shouldn't worry about." The teacher gave the whole class a big grin, which only a few people returned. Yeonjun, on the other hand, sank back into his thoughts.

There is definitely something fishy going on, but I don't have enough braincells to understand what is going on. 

This is so weird, yesterday I found a one of a kind book revealing stuff no one knew, and then today the King and Queen announce that exact information. What is going on??

Before Yeonjun could think for any longer, the teacher's voice cut in. "I want each of you guys to come up here and grab a kit on my desk," she said, pointing at the kits laying on her desk. The class immediately got up and arranged themselves in a single file line, with Yeonjun lagging at the back of the line. 

Each student quickly grabbed a kit, their whispered voices bouncing off the classroom walls. If you were in the class, you would've felt the excitement in the air. Everyone was excited to see who would be the future Prince and what would happen to him.

Finally, Yeonjun strolled up to the teacher's desk and grabbed a kit. He then went back to his seat and sat down. Yeonjun quickly took his dna sample and gave it to the teacher. He then went back to his seat, ignoring all the loud people in his class. He gazed into a window that was beside him, lost in a sea of his own thoughts. 


Dynamite is such a great song!! 

What was your favorite part of the song?

It came out at 12:00 am for me, what time it come out for you guys?

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