Chapter 74- Beomgyu

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Beomgyu's POV

Beomgyu knowingly walked away from Yeonjun and Soobin. His Yeonbin senses were tingling. He had a feeling that SOMETHING was going to happen.

He pulled Hueningkai and Taehyun into his own room.

"I think we should leave Yeonbin alone for some time," Beomgyu said to his two friends.

"Are they gonna-" Taehyun said with a smirk.

Kai and Beomgyu screamed.



"Look what you did Taehyun, you traumatized the poor kid!" Beomgyu said jokingly.

"Oops sorry not sorry," Taehyun shrugged.


Beomgyu bit his lip. He wasn't lying when he said he wanted to talk with them. He had this urge to rant and he was pretty sure all of them had the same urge.

Beomgyu closed his eyes and shook his head. He let his emotions take control.

"I'm sorry..." Beomgyu said in a quiet, shaky voice. "I was the one w-who thought of that plan to escape the warehouse, but it failed and we got locked up..."

Hueningkai shook his head. "Beomgyu, don't blame yourself, and how in the world is it your fault? You came up with a brilliant plan. You gave us hope during a hopeless time." Hueningkai looked at Beomgyu while saying that last sentence. His eyes were shiny and so delicate. At that moment, Kai seemed so fragile.

"And I'm so sorry for not noticing what you were going through Kai. I would've helped you, I WANT to help you." Beomgyu placed his hand on Hueningkai's shoulder. "You are worth so much more than you think you are."

"Wait, what happened with Kai?" Taehyun asked.

Beomgyu looked at Taehyun.

Shit, he doesn't know about Kai's habit does he?

The words got caught in Beomgyu's throat.

Hueningkai sighed and rolled up his sleeves. On his arms were cuts, some old, some fairly recent.

Taehyun's big doe eyes widened. "W-what-'' He looked at Hueningkai's face. "I never knew...."

Hueningkai nodded his head. "Uhh yeah... I've been doing this for about a year now..."

Both Taehyun and Beomgyu's head bolted up.

"What!" They both said simultaneously.

Hueningkai looked down at the floor. "I.... I felt aggravated with myself. Things changed, I grew up and realized things. Life became like an endless cycle, like a seesaw. Ups and downs, ups and downs, over and over again. It never stopped. I didn't feel worthy. What am I supposed to do in this big world? What's the point of all this? I feel like this-" he said while pointing at his arm full of cuts, "-is the only real mark I'll ever make in this world." Hueningkai's voice was full of raw emotion.

Hueningkai took a shaky breath. "I feel like S-soobin doesn't deserve me. I feel so out of place and ugly any time I look at myself. I can't look at the mirror without c-cringing. I relieved my pain through cutting, it just felt right. No one knew about it. Eventually I got addicted and I couldn't stop." Hueningkai looked like he wanted to cry, but he was holding himself back.

"I cut almost everyday and no one knew about it. To me, it didn't feel wrong. At least I'm trying to get rid of my addiction." Hueningkai said. He looked up and smiled with shiny tears rolling down his face. He looked absolutely broken in that moment.

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