Chapter 23- Soobin

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Soobin's POV

Soobin was currently washing the crusty dishes. He hated washing the dishes. It always took so long and when you're finally done, your hands look like a dried prune. They feel nasty and look even worse.

He was humming cheerfully despite doing something he hated. If he makes the best out of a bad situation, then it will get somewhat better.

Hueningkai stood next to Soobin, giggling like crazy. You might be wondering why he was laughing, well Kai got a ton of dish soap on his hands and he decided to rub his hands through Soobin's luscious locks. Soobin's hair was sticking straight up like a needle because of the dish soap.

"Oh gosh Soobin!" Hueningkai shrieked, "Your hair looks like the Eiffel Tower."

Soobin snorted, "Wow Hueningkai, now you made me look like a tower!"

"Bruh, you already look like a tower with your long ass legs."

"Not my point! Besides, why did you have to run your nasty fingers through my hair?"

"Why not?" Hueningkai said with a mischievous grin.

"Ughh! I can't deal with this right now!" Soobin, being the patient man he is, just let Hueningkai play with his hair.

"I wonder what Taehyun is doing right now?" Soobin said.

"Me too, I hope he got some fun chore to do, not like dishwashing."

Soobin met Hueningkai's eyes and giggled.

This kid is so fucking adorable!

Soobin smiled even more and clapped his hands together, the sound echoing off the walls.

The sound echoed back to his ears, seeming empty and eerie.

Outside the room, the place seemed oddly quiet.

Soobin knitted his eyebrows. "Hey Hueningkai, why is it so quiet?"

Hueningkai shrugged, "I don't know, it's been like that for a while now."

"Where are all the servants? We're supposed to be together."

Hueningkai tapped his foot on the ground, "I don't know hyung, they probably left us behind."

Soobin eyed the huge stack of dishes still left to wash. "Huening-"

Something stopped Soobin from continuing.

"D-did you hear that?" Soobin asked with a slight tremble in his voice.

"Umm.. no hyung, what did you hear?"


Am I overthinking everything? But I could have sworn I heard something.

Soobin gulped.

The Palace was quiet.

Too quiet.

"Umm hyung?" Hueningkai said softly.


"Why does the air feel... heavier?"

"What the fuck Hueningkai?!" Soobin exclaimed, "How can air feel heavy?"


A bloodcurdling scream was heard from far away.

"Y-you heard that r-right?" Hueningkai asked, not bothering to hide the growing fear tangling inside of him.

Soobin subconsciously pulled Kai closer to him. His brotherly instincts kicked in and he wrapped an arm around Kai's quivering figure.

"Don't worry Kai, it's probably nothing."

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