Chapter 53- Taehyun

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Taehyun's POV


Taehyun knew this would happen. It was destined to happen.

They found out.

They know that I'm a robber.

Taehyun backed up into the wall. He felt trapped and cornered inside this spacious warehouse.

Memories flooded through Taehyun mind. Memories of his horrid past. Memories that he wanted to forget forever.

Taehyun couldn't stop the incoming tears streaming down his face. He HATED this warehouse. They tainted his hands, made him do things he never wanted to do.

Taehyun zoned back to the present.

He watched Yeonjun's face morph into betrayal. Yeonjun turned to Taehyun and pointed a shaky finger at him.

"Y-you never told me?" Yeonjun muttered quietly, but Taehyun still heard it. A few tears rolled down Yeonjun's face, tears of betrayal.

Each tear that fell hit Taehyun like a bullet to the heart.

Taehyun didn't respond.

What am I supposed to say??

Soobin saw the commotion. "What's going on??" Soobin walked up to Yeonjun.

All Yeonjun did was point at the picture, the picture that Taehyun will never forget. How could he? It was the first day he became a robber.

Soobin eyed the picture. Realization dawned on his face. He swiftly turned his head in Taehyun direction.

"This whole time you've been a robber??" Soobin asked uncertainly. Taehyun could hear the hurt in Soobin's voice.

Taehyun still didn't respond. His knees shook so hard, he felt like he was going to collapse on the spot.

Everyone in the room gathered around Soobin and Yeonjun. They all surrounded Yeonjun like a shield, leaving Taehyun alone by the wall.

"What's going on?" Taehyung asked.

Soobin pointed out the picture of Taehyun on the wall.

Gasps were heard.

Guilt was eating Taehyun alive. He had no safe option, he just COULDN'T tell anyone.

They would never understand.

For the first time in forever, I was happy! I was free! Is it evil of me to want more happiness?

Is it evil of me to not tell them my big secret?

Am I truly like my parents?

Taehyun shook his head. He couldn't get lost in his thoughts right now. There was a major problem at hand, his only friends are turning against him.

"So you've know all along? Where the robbers headquarters have been located?" Soobin shouted at him.

Taehyun shamefully nodded his head.

It's true, the whole time Taehyun knew the robbers stayed at the warehouse.

I deserve all the anger and sadness, after all I DID lie to them.

I'm not even mad at them.

Maybe I'm not supposed to have friends.

Maybe I'm meant to be a lonely person, I mean that's what I always was.

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