Chapter 64- Beomgyu

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Beomgyu's POV

The next few days weren't the best for Beomgyu. The stares he got didn't go unnoticed.

Whenever he entered a room, half the people would stare at him in an unfriendly way.

That made Beomgyu crawl back to his 'Stone Face' facade. He kept a nonchalant expression so no one could comprehend what he was thinking.

That was only ONE bad thing about this place.

The amount of food served was extremely low. They were basically being starved. Not to mention the constant fighting. Anyone could pick out a fight for no good reason. Apparently people here loved fighting.

Beomgyu's muscles and stomach would ache everyday.

At night, he couldn't even visit his friends or brother. The doors were locked, reminding the people within that they were trapped.

It's been some time since Beomgyu and his friends voiced their plan. Beomgyu did his part and secretly snuck around the huge warehouse, trying to familiarize himself with this place.

Beomgyu reclined on an uncomfortable chair.

Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid games!! I wouldn't even consider them as games!!!

The whole week was filled with playing 'games.' Beomgyu, like the rest of his friends, hated playing these games.

And on top of all that, there is supposedly a person that wants to kill them.

Beomgyu tried to think of something better that would lift his spirits.

Omg, Yeonjun hyung's face was so funny yesterday. He looked like he wanted to murder me!!

Yesterday Beomgyu and the rest of his friends set up a date for Yeonjun and Soobin. Yes, it was painfully obvious that the two liked each other. Beomgyu knew that setting up a date would make the two boys flustered, so he was overjoyed to hear the idea.

He was the one to set up the table for the 'date.' Beomgyu thought of himself as the biggest Yeonbin shipper in the whole group. It was either him or Arya (NWKWNWJWJWN). And yes, Beomgyu and Arya made a ship name for Yeonjun and Soobin. They both liked it a little too much.

In their free time, they both discussed a lot about Yeonbin interactions. You must be thinking, dang these people are addicted to Yeonbin. You aren't necessarily wrong, but Yeonbin wasn't the only thing Arya and Beomgyu discussed. They talked about how unfair this whole place was, how much they love brownies, how much they miss the Palace, and their insecurities. Surprisingly, Arya and Beomgyu have similar insecurities. Beomgyu isn't the type to easily talk about insecurities, but with someone who understands easily, his shell breaks open. He feels relieved talking about these bottled up emotions that he never shared with anyone. It feels good to talk with someone who genuinely understands you.

Another subject they talked about was Taehyun. They both believed that Taehyun should be trusted even though he lied to them. There is always a deeper meaning to lies right? There is always a reason why someone lies. Both Arya and Beomgyu knew within the core of their hearts that Taehyun is overall a good person. He's just tangled up in a bad situation. Sadly, the two don't realize how bad the situation was.

Beomgyu hummed a random tune. He was sitting in the room dubbed 'Beomgyu's room.' Apparently he's always sitting in this room.

Suddenly the door slammed open.

Kai hurriedly ran into the room. "Oh Beomgyu hyung, you're here!!" Kai grabbed the arm of the chair Beomgyu was sitting on and gasped for air.

Beomgyu raised an eyebrow. "I'm usually always here." He looked up to see sweat clinging onto Kai's forehead. He was out of breath and seemed distraught.

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