Techno's Sister (Technoblade and OC)

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(Takes place in the world of Minecraft)

"Tech!" I shouted, "Have you seen my sword?"

"Wasn't it in the chest next to your bed?" He replied

"I already checked there, it's not in there," I shouted back as I checked under my bed for the fifth time

My door opened and Tech walked in, my sword in hand.

"It was in one of the food chests." He said

I chuckled and rubbed the back of my head before chuckling "Oops."

He chuckled and walked over, handing me my sword.

"You really should keep track of it," He said, "Diamonds aren't easy to come by anymore."

I nodded "Yeah I know." I said as we began to make our way to the front door

He rolled his eyes "Come on, we're going to be late." Tech said

"Yes, late to your monthly competition of bloodshed," I said with a roll of my eyes

"And who would want to miss that?" Tech said as he opened the door

I rolled my eyes and put my sword away "Let's just get going." I said

Le Timeskip

I hopped off my horse before tying my horse up to a fence next to Tech's, who was already at the stairs. Once I was finished tying the lead to the sense I looked up at Tech, before glaring at him.

"Could you slow down," I said as I ran up the stairs "You're too fast."

He rolled his eyes as I finally caught up to him "Because I have many more years of practice running up these stairs than you." Tech said as he turned around and began to walk up the stairs.

I rolled my eyes and followed him up the stairs "Sure whatever." I mumbled

After a minute of walking, we made it into the hub where almost everyone was waiting for the event to start. I looked up at the timer and found there were ten minutes left until the actual event started. I turned to Tech, tapping his shoulder lightly.

He turned to me "I'm going to find a seat in the screen room," I said, "I'll see you later tonight."

Before I could walk away, Tech quickly grabbed my hand "Ash wait," He turned me around and put something in my hands.

I opened my hand and found a stadium ticket in my palm. I looked up at him and shook my head.

"No no no," I shook my head "Tech! You know how I feel about watching these things in person." I said

"I know, I know," Tech said "I just," He paused "want you actually there."

He was being genuine, I could tell. He really wanted to me be there, he wanted me to watch him win, or at least try to. He didn't have many wins under his belt, only two, but this event hadn't been going on for too long, but I knew how much this meant to him.

I looked down at the ticket before sighing "Fine," Tech smiled and I pointed my finger up at him "But only because you paid for it."

Tech laughed as I shook my head, chuckling to myself as I walked to the stadium. I looked down at the ticket before stuffing it in my pocket. As I walked I began to lose myself in my own thoughts. I personally didn't like the completion, well the championship as it was more commonly known as. I wasn't too much of a competitive person, Tech on the other hand was the most competitive person in the family.


I looked up and found that someone was barreling at me after failing a parkour jump. Without thinking, I moved out of the way before splashing some water down to stop their fall. They fell right into the water that I had placed, successfully stopping them from hitting the stone ground. They sighed and I quickly picked the water back up. I ran over to them and helped them up.

"Are you alright?" I asked as I picked them up

"Yeah, yeah," They said as they rang out their shirt "Thanks for that."

"It's no problem."

They looked up at me "Do I know you?" They asked

I shook my head frantically "No, no you don't." I said

They looked at me weirdly before shaking their head "Sorry, you looked familiar." They said

I nodded and rubbed the back of my neck "Yeah I get that a lot." I said quietly

The timer behind us made a noise and found that the timer was at 5 minutes.

They turned back to me "Are you competing?" They asked

I smiled and shook my head "No, not me." I said, "But my brother is."

They looked at me for a second before shaking their head and extending his hand out to me.

"I'm Clay by the way," He said

I grabbed his hand and shook it "Ashley." I replied

He released my hand before we both looked to the timer.

2 minutes left.

His eyes widened "I've gotta go find my team." He said before running off "Nice to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you too!" I shouted back

I looked up at the timer before running towards the stadium, at full speed and soon enough I made it to the stadium. I handed my ticket to the person collecting them before walking to my seat. I scoffed when I looked down at my seat number, discovering that Tech had gotten me a front-row seat. I shook my head as I sat down just as the timer went off. The teams were raised into the arena.

The championship had begun

Edit: Thank you to the people reminding me to edit this to take Techno's real name out. At the time of writing this I was unaware that he didn't exactly like when fans used his real name. Don't use it. Alright, thanks for reading.

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