The Disease PT 4 (DreamTeam, MuffinTrio)

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The two infected dragged George into one of the nearest buildings, appearing not to care whenever his body hit something in the way. The two had put his mask back into his face, so he could only assume where they were taking him. George looked up, and noticed Skeppy following them from afar, close enough to where he could see them clearly, but far enough that he wouldn't be spotted on accident. George quickly looked away from Skeppy's location, so that he wouldn't get caught, if that did happen, they'd both be done for.

The further George was dragged into the building, the more inhuman sounds he heard. There were more infected hiding out in this building, it was a wonder he hadn't been found sooner. However, that wasn't the thing that worries him the most, no it was the fact that the infected had mentioned Dream. George had hoped that his friend was either alive and running or he had died. However, deep down, George had known what fate had fallen upon his friend, deep down, he knew he had been infected.

Still, this made George's situation worse. If these infected were telling the truth, although there was no real way of knowing, George was in great danger. Dream, before being infected, was strong and fit, now due to the infection, all his strengths were doubled. This meant that either George would have to figure a way to escape fast, or Skeppy better has one hell of a plan.

The infected opened a pair of double doors, and George's ears were hit with ear-piercing screeches and other sounds that he couldn't describe if he could. The two infected stopped suddenly and yanked him to his feet.

"What the hell do you two want?"

George's heart rate greatly increased at the sound of that voice.

"A6D found this fucker stealing supplies from outside the building."

"Zhut it Bad-"

"Would both of you just shut the fuck up and show me who the hell it is."

George felt a hand grab his hood and another grab his mask. They yanked them both off and George looked up a the tall infected in front of him. Dream looked down at George as the two infected pushed his head up. 

George looked up at Dream "It's been a while," George said with a smile

Dream smiled back down at him and crouched down to eye level with George.

"Hello, George."

George searched the room for any sign of Skeppy, eventually finding him a few feet behind Dream, hidden in a crowd of infected. They made eye contact and Skeppy nodded at George. George nodded back before he kicked the legs of the two infected holding him, and kneed Dream in the face. Skeppy then burst out of the crowd and ran towards George. George looked at Skeppy in disbelief.

This would be too easy.

Skeppy began to claw at one of the infected that had started to move towards George as George swung his pocket knife out in front of himself, keeping the other infected arm's length away from him. Skeppy managed to reach George, and that's when it happened.

Skeppy immediately felt the hand on his arm.

He turned to him

And he smiled.

"You're an absolute idiot, you know that right?"

Skeppy's eyes widened as he grabbed Skeppy's other arm, successfully disarming him.

Skeppy looked up at him, betrayal clearly displayed on his face.


The infected stopped attacking and the crowd split, allowing Dream to walk through. George looked at him, and Dream smiled. Bad and A6D came from the crowd and grabbed Skeppy from his hands, and Dream walked over to him.

"Good work." Dream said, smiling at his shorter friend

George looked up at Dream and smiled at his taller friend.

"Thanks," George said as he brushed his hands off "It's good to be home."

AAAAAAANNNNNNNddd that'd a wrap.

So quick explanation, I had two endings that I had to choose from to end this. I had to consult my friend about it, so the twist ending wasn't my choice, but my friend's.

If you guys want to see the second ending, just ask, I have it all planned out in my head, and it would be a bit easier to write unlike this one, where I had to write through tears.

Alright, thanks for reading.

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