Demons (George and Dream)

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(The art above belongs to @Ruzhuu on twitter, link in the comments)

George woke up in a sweat before he rubbed his eyes. He let out a sigh and turned to check the alarm clock on his nightstand. 1:37. He groaned before looking into the mirror near his bed, where he found a dark figure standing at the end of his bed in the reflection from the mirror. He looked away from the mirror before pulling his sweat-soaked sheets off of himself. He swung his legs over the edge of the bed before pushing himself up off the bed.

George rubbed his eyes once more as he walked toward his bedroom door, avoiding looking into the mirror again and he opened it. He walked out into the hallway, wincing slightly at the cold floor. He looked around the hall before walking to the bathroom, pushing the door open. He walked in, closing the door behind him, making sure to lock it before he turned on the lights. He rubbed his eyes a bit, waiting for them to adjust to the sudden light, before looking into the mirror above the sink, where the dark figure was waiting for him.

The figure itself was shadow-like, the only thing that caused it to differ from George's own shadow on the ground was the fact that it had some sort of facial features. It had white dots for eyes and a thin line in the shape of a sinister smile. George set his arms on the rim of the sink before letting out a sigh at the sight of the figure and looking away from the mirror.

"Why," George looked up at the figure "Why do you do this?"

The figure remained silent, and it's never-ending grin only grew larger. George knew it wouldn't respond to that question; it never did. George shook his head before rubbing his eyes. It was rare for the figure to even respond to him in general, so he knew he probably wouldn't get any answers. What he wasn't expecting was when the figure started to laugh. The laugh was eerie and cold, sending more and more shivers down George's spin as it continued. The figure finished laughing and looked George in the eyes.

"It's amusing to see you in such fear."

George stared wide-eyed at the figure in awe, which only caused the figure's smile to widen to both sides of its face.

"I find your confusion rather enjoyable." The figure said with a chuckle

George looked at the figure in the mirror "Please," George begged, "Just leave me alone."

The figure only laughed more, however, its eyes fell onto George. Tears were forming in his eyes, neither was sure if it was from the lack of sleep or if George was really crying. George's leg became weak and he allowed himself to slip to the bathroom floor. The figure's smile appeared to falter at George's actions, but it didn't disappear completely. George pulled his legs to his chest and tucked his head into his arms. The figure let out some sort of a sigh before it stepped through the mirror. It pulled itself out from the surface of the mirror. It looked down at George before it shifted its form.

George heard someone walk over to him, but he didn't look up. He just wanted to be left alone.

"One night."

George jumped at the voice, before looking up where he found someone in a mask standing above him.

"What?" George asked, his voice threatening to break

The figure looked down at him "I'll give you one night."

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