Busy (Dreamnotfound)

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"What are you doing Clay?"

Dream didn't look up from his laptop, but George noticed that his eye twitched at the sound of his name. George chuckled to himself before he looked back down at his phone to resume scrolling through twitter.

"Seriously though, what are you doing Dream?" George asked without looking up from his phone.

He heard Dream sigh before he rubbed the bridge of his nose "Work." Was his response, coming out more like a grumble than actually English.

George looked up "Thought you were done with work." George said, a tad bit confused at his boyfriend's answer

Dream shook his head as he furiously typed on his keyboard "My computer crashed, and the only save was on my laptop from two hours ago."

"Aaah," George nodded "So your behind-"

"Of course I'm behind!" Dream said harshly "I"m two hours behind on work so please just be quiet."

George nodded and returned to Twitter, liking random pieces of fanart that popped up on his home page. He found one particularly good one that had Dream without a mask that looked a lot like his real face. He smiled as he liked the tweet before turning his phone to Dream.

"Hey Dream check this out," George said with a smile

Dream didn't look up from his laptop, ignoring his boyfriend while he continued typing away on his laptop.

"Dream." George said, taking his chance at Dream's temper

Once again, his boyfriend ignored him, and George knew he was now pushing Dream's buttons. But when had that ever stopped him?


"George, shut up!" Dream snapped "I'm trying to work."

George immediately shut his mouth and looked down in shame.

"Are you, mad?" George asked looking

Dream scoffed "I'm not mad at you George." He said without looking up

"You look mad." George replied looking back down at his phone "Your face is all scrunched up."

"I'm not mad George!" Dream shouted, "I just need it to be quiet!"

George was quiet, for a few seconds before he looked back up at Dream.

"You still look mad-"

"I'm not MAD!" Dream shouted, finally looking up at George "But I will be soon if you don't SHUT UP, I will be!"

George flinched at the sudden harshness of Dream's voice, which Dream noticed immediately. His face softened and he set his laptop aside before leaning forward. He reached over and set his arm onto his boyfriend's thin and gave it a small squeeze.


George looked up at Dream "Yeah?"

 "I'm sorry for getting mad, I'm just really worked up," Dream said

George nodded "Yeah, I know," He said, "I shouldn't have pushed you to lose your temper. I'm sorry."

Dream smiled at his George "I promise I'll finish as quickly as I can, alright?" Dream said 

 George looked at his boyfriend, and smiled "Alright." George said

Dream straightened his back before he picked his laptop up from the couch. He looked down to start typing, but looked back up at George.

"Although, if you say my name again, I'm throwing you out the window- what are you doing?" Dream asked

George turned back around from the window and chuckled "I'm checking to see if it's worth it or not."

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