The Real Monsters (Dream and Child George)

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(Before this starts, none of this is real. I respect George's parents, and in no way think this is what they're really like.
Link to the original artist in the comments.
Okay, enjoy)


Dream looked up at the fire demon in front of him, immediately recognising him as his old friend Sapnap.

"What is it Sap?" Dream asked

Sapnap set a file onto Dream's desk "I can't scare them," Sapnap said

Dream looked at the folder before looking up at Sapnap "Are you asking to be resigned?" Dream asked

Sapnap let out a sigh "If it's too much to ask, but yes, I am asking to be reassigned." Sapnap said

Dream sighed and ran his finger's through his hair. Sapnap looked down at his friend and sighed.

"Listen Dream," Sapnap said "This kid isn't normal, and I think I may have been the last one. I can go back and try again but-"

Dream sighed and shook his head "No, no," Dream said "I'll reassign you."

"Then whose going to be assigned to them-"

"I'm taking this case."

Sapnap stared at Dream, unable to believe the words that had just come out of his mouth.

"Dream?" Sapnap asked, "Are you sure about this?"

Dream let out a sigh before nodding "Yeah, I'm sure."


Fieldwork had never really been Dream's preferred choice of work, he much rather preferred to be behind the scenes, but desperate times called for desperate measures, in this case, Dream had to remove himself from his comfort zone. He let out a sigh before he closed his eyes and shifted into his much more demonic form. He felt himself grow taller, only sighing as he rolled his neck, popping it as he grew. He felt his claws sharpen drastically before he closed his eyes.

Every demon had their own way of traveling, Dream just preferred teleportation. It was quick, simple and the fastest way to travel. He felt a small breeze blow against his skin and when he opened them, he found he was in a children's room. He looked around and found, instead of the singular bed that he had expected, he found two, a twinsized bed and a crib. Dream looked into the crib and found a child no older than 2, sleeping piecefully away. Dream smiled at the child, he had always preferred human infents over the rest of the population. They were pure and inicent, and were unaware of how cruel the world could be.

As Dream thought to himself, he noticed the infent began to sture in it's slumber. Dream's heart ached as the infent began to sob a bit, and he shrunk down. He leaned into the crib and began to gently stroke the top of it's head, eventually soothing back to sleep. If it woke up, it could ruin Dream's plan all together. Once the infent had fall back asleep, Dream returned to his unnatural height before slithering under the second bed on the other side of the room, where he sat for an hour.

Once an hour had passed, the bedroom door opened and two humans walked in. One female adult and one male child, and not just any child, this child was his assignment. Dream could assume the female was the mother of his assignment. The female helped his assignment into the bed above, tucking them in and preparing them for bed.

"Mom, where's Dad?" his assignment asked

The female remained quiet and Dream wasn't sure they ever responded. The female eventually said good night and left his assignment's room.

Now was his time.

Dream reached up from under the bed and began to stroke his assignment's arm gently. He felt them tremble under his touch. He heard them whine before trying to push his hand away. Dream didn't back down though and instead moved his hand to their cheek. They shuddered before pushing his hand away once more.

"I'm not afraid of you monster." They whispered

Dream knew this not to be true, he could practically feel their fear radiating from the surface of the bed.

After an hour or so, Dream heard the front door slam close, he male adult must be home. What he didn't expect was the yelling that immediately followed once he had heard the sound. He heard a yelp of pain before footsteps began to heavily make their way towards his assignment's room. He heard the bedshift and found his assignment had scrambled out of bed before they crawled under the bed with him.

"Move over." He said harshly

Dream looked at him, confused. Why was he down her-

The bedroom door slammed opened and the sent of alcohol flooded his nose, immediately overpowering every other smell in the room.

The male was intoxicated.

Dream felt the kid grab his hand and squeeze it. Dream looked down at him and felt pity stab at his heart. The reason he wasn't scared of any of the monsters Dream sent, is because he was too occupided with his own.

The intoxicated male then got on their knees and reached under the bed, his hand searching for the kid. Dream gently pushed him further under the bed before the hand grabbed him and began to pull him out from underneath the bed. Dream looked at his assignment, before the adult male pulled him out. Once out from under the bed, Dream stood up, revealing himself as the 9 foot faceless monster he was. I allow my mouth to appear as I smile menisly down at the intoxicated male beneath me. I caressed his face with my claws, and at this point I could see the fear in his eyes.

"If you ever hurt, touch or scream at my child ever again," I growled "I will do the same to for for the lest of your life and longer."

At this point the adult male was shaking under my touch, and once I moved my hand from his face, he ran out of the bedroom. I gently closed the door behind him, before turning to the bed. I shrunk down and retracting my claws before I bent over, looking at my kid under the bed.

"He's gone," I say extending my hand to him

He looked at my declawed hand before shakingly taking it. I softly pulled him out from underneath the bed before picking him up and setting him into his bed. I tucked him in and began to rub his head gently. After a few minutes, he was halfway asleep and I stood up. He reached up to my hands, grabbing it.

"Don't go," He said, sleep lacing his voice

I looked down at him and although he couldn't see it, I smiled gently at him before I returned to his bedside.

"Don't worry George," I said "I'll be back tomorrow night."

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