Monster From Hell (Dream Team)

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(Based off of the comic above, link to the original in the comments)


George took a step towards his friend who had fallen silent a few minutes ago. It was really unusual for him to be quiet like this, so something was definitely strange.

"Dream, what's up man?" Sapnap asked

Dream remained silent, however, what he did do was pull out his sword. George watched as Dream reached out and stroked his diamond blade.

"Dream, is everything alright?" George asked setting a hand on Dream's shoulder

Dream turned his head around and his eyes, George could never forget the blood lust that lingered in his friend's eyes. Air caught itself in George's throat at the sight of his friend's eyes. He lifted his hand from Dream's shoulder before he backed away from the person he had called his friend. Sapnap stood up from where he had been sitting and began to walk towards Dream.


George stopped Sapnap from getting any closer to Dream, who had turned completely around at this point. Dream looked down at his sword, before looking back up at the two men standing in front of him.

"Run." He said

George didn't hesitate in grabbing Sapnap's hand and pulling him out the door as fast as he could. After a few seconds, Sapnap had snapped out of the daze he had been stuck in and was finally able to run on his own. George let go of Sapnap's hand and turned to him.

"What's wrong with him?!" Sapnap said

"I don't know," George said

They looked behind them and found no sight of Dream. George opened the building's back door, before running through the doorway. The building let out into a back alley that traveled behind the other buildings.


George looked behind him and found that Dream had impaled Sapnap with his diamond sword. George took a few steps back, tripping on his own feet, falling to his butt. George began to scoot back as Dream pulled his sword out of Sapnap's chest.

"Dream, please," George said

Dream didn't respond, he only smiled sickly at George. He then began to towards George. George didn't know what to say, instead he began to raise his hand up, not knowing how else to defend himself. Dream didn't stop nor did he respond, instead he raised his sword, readying it for an attack. George's heart rate skyrocketed as he pushed his hand out in front of him, and attempt to block the attack.

"Clay!" George shouted before he closed his eyes, prepared for the oncoming pain

However, it never came. George opened his eyes and found that Dream had frozen in place, his sword still above his head. Dream's eyes widened at the sight of his friend on the ground below him realization flowing over him like a flood. He lowered his sword and looked at it, immediately spotting the blood that sat on the surface of the blue blade. He turned his head and found Sapnap's body on the ground, cold and lifeless. He turned back to George before he dropped his sword.

Dream began to tremble, fighting his body's urge to fall to the ground as tears began to stream down his face. He eventually looked to George only to find disbelief and terror. That was it for Dream, as his legs began to give in. Dream's hand shot out to the wall next to him, using it to hold himself up. His head began to hurt, and he raised his hand to the side of his head in an attempt to calm his pounding head.

He was really a monster from hell.

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