The Disease PT 2 (DreamTeam, MuffinTrio)

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George ran down the path as quietly as he could, a hooded infected following quickly behind. He turned his head and confirmed that it was still following him before turned back around. He rounded a corner and ran down his street. He quietly ran up his stairs and opened the door. He held the door open and the infected ran inside, careful to keep his distance from George. George closed the door, locking it before turning to the infected that stood a few feet away from him. He pulled off his mask and took in a deep breath before looking to the infected.

"So why the fuck are you not violent, Skeppy?" George asked, now able to speak finally

The infected Skeppy looked at him and shrugged "I don't know," Skeppy said, "But I think I was at some point."

George looked at him confused and shaking it off. He pulled off the three backpacks of his back, that we're starting to dig into his shoulder, and opened one of them. He pulled out two cans, tossing one to Skeppy.

"I know you guys still have to eat." He said as he pulled out his pocket knife to open the can

Skeppy looked at the can before he dug one of his claws into it, opening it effortlessly.

"Thanks." He said before he began to eat

They sat in silence as they both ate the food that had once been contained in the can. Skeppy finished first and looked up at George.

"Hey, George?"

George looked up "Yeah?" He asked before shoving a handful of food into his mouth

Skeppy looked down at his hands "Do you think I'm gonna be like this forever?" He asked

George's hand stopped in midair before he lowered it and looked at his friend.

"What do you mean?"

Skeppy sighed "Do you think I'm going to be docile for long?" Skeppy looked up at George "I don't want to be the reason you get infected after all this time."

George shrugged and swallowed the food in his mouth "Skeppy, I can't answer that, but if it makes you feel any better, there's a room with a lock downstairs that you could stay in." He said

Skeppy's eyes widened "You want me to stay?"

George nodded "Yeah, your the first person I've talked to in a long time, and besides," George smiled at Skeppy "You are my friend, aren't you?"

Skeppy thought about this before smiling back "Yeah, I guess I am."


George woke up to a crash from the main room. He bolted out of bed and quietly left his room.

"He's here, I know it."

George stopped in the hall and carefully reached for the pocket knife in his pocket.

"Well you better be fucking right, or he's gonna have our damn heads."

He pulled the pocket knife out before pulling his mask over the lower half of his face. He closed his eyes, breathed in deeply before looking around the corner. Before he could properly see who was in the main room, he was grabbed from behind and pulled back around the corner. He was forcefully turned and found Skeppy had grabbed him. George's eyes widened and his eyes fell to Skeppy's hands, holding his arms, before looking up at Skeppy, who seemed terrified. Skeppy looked down the hallway, before turning back to George and holding a finger to his chapped lips.


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