School Bully PT. 4 (Dream and George x reader)

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Three Month Later

I closed my locker with a flick of my wrist. I looked to the blond boy behind the locker door. I didn't even spare him a smile before I began to walk down the hallway, shifting my backpack onto my shoulder.

"(Y/N)," he whined

"No," I said

"But why not?" He asked jumping in front of me

I chuckled at his child-like antics "Because I have homework to do." I said walking around him

He grabbed my arm and I flinched a bit. He quickly let go and I turned around.

"Sorry." He said

I sighed " It's okay." I said

"You don't have to stay the entire time, " He said

"Clay, the bowling alley is an hour away from my house," I said

"Well, just tell Eric I'll drive you there and back," Clay said

"You really think he's gonna let me in your car?" I said as I raised my eyebrow

"If George is there," Clay said

I rolled my eyes "Okay, okay, fine," I said, "I'll ask."

Clay's face lit up and I scoffed, pointing to him "But it's only because he trusts George like a son."

Clay rolled his eye "Yeah, yeah." He said waving his hand "As long as your coming."

I smiled and chuckled before I felt my phone buzz. I pulled it out and found a text from Eric.

I slid my phone back into my pocket and looked up at Clay.

"He's here," I said

Clay nodded "Okay," he turned around to walk down the hall, but turned back around "See you at the park?"

I smiled and nodded "Yeah, see you then."

Clay smiled and began to walk down the hallway, as I walked out the school doors, mixing in with the rest of the students.

Once outside, I began to search for Eric's dark blue ford in the crowded school parking lot. After a bit of texting and searching, I eventually set sights on his car and began to walk over. Once I reached the truck, I opened the passenger side door and pulled myself up into the passenger seat.

"Hey (Y/N)."

I looked to the older man in the driver's seat "Hey Mr. Lionheart." I replied

pulling off my backpack and setting it onto the car floor in front of the seat. I reached over to the door and pulled it closed before I turned to Eric.

"You know you can call me Eric or if we get there, dad." He replied, "But if you're comfortable with Mr. Lionheart, that's okay with me."

I thought for a second, and smiled "Okay, I'll try it out." I said

Eric smiled and pulled the car out of the parking spot and out of the parking lot.

"So how was school?" Eric asked as he drove down the road

I smiled "It was good," I said, "George helped me study before school and I managed to pass the test in Chem."

Eric chuckled "That's great." He said

I nodded "Clay asked if I wanted to go to the bowling alley with him George and his friends." I said, "Clay said he could pick me up if you aren't able to."

Silence took over the conversation for a moment as I waited for Eric to respond.

"Do you trust him?" Eric asked

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