
1.6K 6 1

Warnings: Ficlet Collection, Suggestive Themes, Banter, Teasing, Hair Kink, Epic Friendship, Flirting, Humor if you squint long enough, Gen or Pre-Slash, First Kiss, Internalized Homophobia, Fluff and Angst, Secret Relationship, Inappropriate Erections, Alternate Universe, Crack Treated Seriously, Crushes, Size Kink, Hurt/Comfort, Friendship/Love, Dirty Talk, Wall Sex, Rough Sex, Masturbation, Dildos, Voyeurism, Texting, Oral Sex, Choking, Love/Hate, Tension, Making Love, Loss of Virginity, Gentle Sex, Established Relationship, Teen Crush, Makeup, Dom/sub Undertones, Daddy Kink, Biting, Awkward Sexual Situations, Mutual Masturbation, Hand Jobs, Sunburn, Football | Soccer, Showers

Notes: Originally posted on my Ao3 account as DaveCumstaine (refer to external link at the bottom).

This is a collection of one shots requested by people on Tumblr, Rockfic, and Ao3. If you recognize some of these stories it's because people love stealing these from me! 

A Quick Fix (Oneshot Collection)Where stories live. Discover now