It's Kind Of A Funny Story (Metallica/Megadeth)

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Dave ruins Kirk's dream journal.


Kirk was still stewing about yesterday when Dave and his friends had cornered him on the playground and stole his dream journal from him. He sulks into class the next day with Dave trailing in after him who is wearing a shit eating grin as his dad would call it. Kirk gets to his desk, turning around in time to see Dave silently taunt him with a smirk as he takes his seat. Kirk throws down his backpack and approaches the ginger boy with determination in his stride. He wasn't going to be pushed around anymore and reclaim what's rightfully his.

"Give me back my journal!" Kirk demands, using a firm tone.

"Class has begun, everyone in your seats," Mr. Hetfield calls out when he overhears Kirk.

"Dave took my journal!" Kirk complains, addressing Mr. Hetfield now as he points an accusatory finger at Dave.

Yeah, maybe he feels like a crybaby a little, but Dave stole something that wasn't his and he needed to be punished for it. Kirk realizes now that maybe he should have told his parents or a teacher beforehand, but Kirk was a dumb kid and frustration clouded his judgement call.

"I did nawt!" Dave proclaims, straining his voice with a whine.

"Mustard stain! I mean... Mustaine," Mr. Hetfield corrects when he realizes his mistake. His expression becomes more serious now as he assesses the situation. "You get a minus for misconduct. Give Kirk back his journal."

Dave relents and hands over the small little book. Kirk snatches it out of the ginger boy's hand with a huff as he pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose. He storms back over to his desk and sits down as the scene diffuses. Mr. Hetfield makes his way back to his desk to begin today's lesson. Kirk opens up his journal and flips hastily through the pages, shocked to find that most of them are torn or defiled with black marker.

Kirk is furious now. He's used to being bullied by Dave and his friends, but nothing has ever came this close to making him so angry in his life. To see the countless hours upon hours of hard work and effort of illustrating his monsters and creations be destroyed by some redheaded tyrant of a boy made his blood boil. He slams his journal shut, pounds his fists against his desk, and jerks out of his seat in a sudden flash of movement. Dave went too far this time.

"He ruined my dream journal!" Kirk yells at the top of his lungs.

"I did NAWT!" Dave argues as he pivots his body and points back at the brunette boy. His voice reaches a dramatic and exaggerated timbre as he tries to preach his case. "Mr. Hetfield, send him to the principal's office and have him EXPELLED!"

Before Kirk can piece together what's happening, he reels back with his hand and flings his journal at Dave in blind rage, apparently too upset to contain his anger. It sails through the air and beams the ginger boy in the back of the head, causing a scowl to break out across his face. This prompts Mr. Hetfield to take off his glasses and throw them down on his desk. The teacher scrambles out of his chair and walks to the front of the class, clearly having had enough.

"You're in my class! Not the other way around! I know everything! And you know nothing!" Mr. Hetfield berates, projecting himself to get the two arguing boys under control. "At the end of class, both of you will report to the principal's office. With your parents!"

"And that's basically how we became friends and started dating," Kirk explains, wrapping his arms around Dave and kissing him on the cheek.

They're in high school now, Junior year, and as luck would have it they somehow managed to fall in love with each other (though that didn't happen until much later). People are always so surprised and shocked when Kirk tells them the story, but it's a hundred percent true. Well, the circumstances that brought them together were true at least. And now here they are hanging out with their friend Rob at Starbucks as he stares at them in disbelief.

"So he destroys your journal and years later you guys fall in love? How does that even work?" Rob questions, furrowing his eyebrows as he watches Kirk snuggle up to Dave all lovey-dovey.

"Well, it turns out I was only being a jerk to him because I was afraid of telling him how I really felt. I thought everyone would make fun of me," Dave admits, cupping Kirk underneath the chin and pecking him on the lips. He gazes deeply into Kirk's brown eyes and smiles at him like he's the luckiest man in the world. "But now I can't imagine spending a single day without him by my side."

"You guys are so fucking weird," Rob remarks, looking between his two aloof friends as he casually sips on his Caramel Macchiato with extra whipped cream and sprinkles.

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