Second Chance (Metallica/Megadeth)

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Notes: Requested by Marjain of Rockfic who wanted something sweet with Dave and Kirk. Takes place in 2010 after the Big Four tours.

Dave and Kirk bury the hatchet.


"I honestly didn't expect you to show up," Kirk said as he stood in the doorway.

It was shortly after they got done touring and somewhere along the line someone got it in their head that it'd be neat to have a huge get together with the big four. You know, as a send off of sorts. Everyone had been invited, though some didn't show up for obvious reasons. Some of the guys just really wanted to get back to their families, which was understandable. But, as luck would have it, Dave actually turned up despite everything.

"Why? Because I'm bitter old bastard?" Dave questioned, leaning against the railing of the balcony that overlooked the city.

"No, because you're stubborn old bastard," Kirk clarified, walking out onto the ledge to breathe in the crisp night air.

Kirk's comment got a little chuckle out of Dave, a feat in which Kirk didn't know was still possible. Everyone else was inside; talking, laughing, drinking... Reminiscing of the old days. But here was Dave standing outside all by himself, like an outcast. Then again, they had all been outcasts when they were younger. Somehow, Kirk thinks that stigma hasn't alluded Dave even now that they're all middle-aged and, ironically, never will. He feels bad for Dave.

"Yeah, well, I'm just full of surprises," Dave remarked, flashing a little smirk when Kirk came up to lean over the railing beside him.

"I'm glad you came, man," Kirk admitted, sparing a glance over at Dave.

"Oh yeah?" Dave asked with a bit of humor in his tone.

He looked at Kirk with a curious gaze, gauging the other man's reaction. There was something elusive about Kirk's expression that Dave couldn't fully decipher. He seemed genuine enough, though. Kirk was never one to be antagonistic, unlike Dave, probably because he had no reason to be. Sure, there were snide remarks over the years, but Kirk was, admittedly, more mature than Dave. He was jealous of Kirk's ability to take everything with a grain of salt and not let it get to him.

"Yeah, it's nice having everyone here. Well, mostly everyone, at least," Kirk explained, looking out over the city skyline. "Feels like we're young again."

Dave stared at the other man even after he had turned his attention elsewhere. Kirk closed his eyes and basked in the cool evening breeze, sighing with content. It was like hadn't a care in the world and was just taking life as it happened. Dave both admired and envied his resolve. Definitely nothing like the kid who was in Exodus when they first crossed paths. Despite all the turmoil, Dave longed for the earlier days when he was still a part of Metallica. If he had a chance to do everything all over, he would. As selfish as it sounds to Junior and the rest of the guys. Who knows? Him and Kirk could've even been friends at one point.

In the midst of his silent contemplation, Dave couldn't help but notice that there was just something inherently beautiful and serene about Kirk. He tried so hard to hate Kirk all these years, even now as they stand here together on this balcony, but why? None of anything that's happened was directly a cause of Kirk replacing him. Kirk wasn't to blame. And still, after all the shit Dave's talked about Kirk and the others, Kirk was man enough to come out here and stand next to Dave like they were equals.

"It's nice," Dave concurred, gazing over at Kirk. He wasn't sure if he was referring to the get together or Kirk anymore.

"What made you come?" Kirk inquired after a few moments of silence.

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