You Tarzan, Me Jane (Iron Maiden)

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Steve notices Bruce's chest hair for the first time.


"Jesus Christ!" Steve exclaimed.

"What? What's wrong?" Bruce asked in a hurried tone, staring wide-eyed at his bandmate.

They were currently changing in the back room, getting ready to hit the showers, but Steve had to give pause to the spectacle before him. Bruce was staring at him like he just screamed bloody murder, which he kind of did he supposed, but he honestly couldn't help it. He never noticed Bruce was so hairy until now.

"You've got 'ta beaver growin' on yer chest!" Steve pointed out with a shriek of surprise.

"Whaddya mean?" Bruce inquired, furrowing his brows at Steve before glancing down at his chest.

"I didn't know I were friends with Tarzan lord of the apes!" Steve teased. "Between all the hair and the muscles, ye migh' as well be callin' me Jane!"

"That's rich comin' from the geezer with caterpillars livin' on his face," Bruce remarked, smirking much to his chagrin.

"Oi! It takes a lot 'ta keep these babies lookin' so tame," Steve defended.

"That's tame?" Bruce squawked.

"More tame than that welcome mat you call chest hair," Steve replied with a snicker.

"If you don't like it, then you don't have 'ta look at it," Bruce said with an air of arrogance, turning away from Steve.

Steve promptly reaches out to grab Bruce by the wrist and pulls the shorter man close. Bruce is taken aback when Steve reaches up and runs both of his hands over Bruce's chest. His fingers linger and thread through the thicket of hair, causing a shudder to run down Bruce's spine. Steve gives him a cocky little smirk that makes Bruce's heart flutter. He's blushing from how close Steve is standing, but the invasion of personal space isn't unwelcomed so much as it is exciting.

"I quite like it," Steve reassured in a sultry murmur. "It'll give me somethin' 'ta hold onto later."

Steve gives him a wink before heading off towards the showers, leaving Bruce standing there to wonder what that could possibly mean.

The resulting assumption only serves to make Bruce blush even more.

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