Closet Rendezvous (Metallica)

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Notes: Requested by Fairy11 of Rockfic who wanted James and Lars fooling around at Kirk's first wedding ('87). Hopefully this is kinda close to what you wanted?? Also, special guest appearance!

James, Lars, and a closet.


They spent half the day dancing around each other, not in the literal sense because it was Kirk's wedding, but in the figurative sense that they've been flirting with their boundaries. Lars was seeing how far he could push James until the bigger man finally did something to put an end to Lars' teasing. Truth is, this has been going on for a few weeks now. About a month ago, in an act of desperation and raw lust, Lars and James had a one night stand. Afterwards James expressed that this couldn't happen again, but Lars has slowly chipped away at James' resolve since then. He felt like he was on the brink of making James crack.

Every so often he would approach James to bother him when everyone else was busy dancing, talking, and generally having a good time.

"Enjoying the circus?" Lars commented, gesturing at all the wedding goers with a drink in his hand.

"Eh, not as exciting as I thought it'd be," James shrugged, having a look around. "Then again, it's a special day. I suppose everything should be toned down."

"If you needed some excitement why didn't you just ask?" Lars teased, reaching out and grabbing James by the end of his tie. He flirted with the edge of James' personal space and tugged on the formal strip of clothing. "I'll raise more than your blood pressure, if you know what I mean."

"Dude, don't stand so close," James deflected, flinching away from Lars slightly.

"Why not?" Lars giggled.

"'Cus someone might see us," complained James.

"Nah, they're too busy drinking and having a good time to notice us," Lars brushed off, glancing over at the crowd once more to double check.

He turned his attention back to James to see him looking flustered and blushing a little. This made Lars smirk because James was starting to give in little by little. James could deny it until the cows came home, but Lars knows for a fact that James has been jonesing to get his hands on the small Dane ever since their first time. James tried to discourage such a relationship in the beginning, but Lars was slowly breaking through that alpha male, totally straight dude façade he so gratuitously paraded around.

"Speaking of which, I can definitely show you a good time," Lars remarked, inching his hand up James' tie.

"No, I'm good dude," James tried to reassure, but the conviction was lacking in his tone.

"Are you sure? 'Cus you don't look too sure," Lars pointed out.

"I said I'm fine just standing here," James reiterated, pulling his tie free out of Lars' hand.

"Really? That's a shame," Lars sighed, hoping to provoke a reaction out of the blonde. "I was kinda hoping you would fock me."

At this, James' pupils seemed to dilate until there was nothing but a slim ring of blue lining them. Lars smirked and swiped his tongue across his lips before casually taking a sip of his drink. He took James' momentary shock to step closer to him and ran a hand through his own hair. Lars brushed his long hair back, tossing it over his shoulders to expose his neck. It was a move meant to subconsciously tempt James and Lars hoped he was being alluring enough to push James over the edge.

"Ya know, I've been climbing the walls to feel you inside me again," Lars purred and he knew he had James right where he wanted him. "Gets me hot just thinking about it."

James' throat closed up and he couldn't bring himself to speak, but he was blushing so profusely that his cheeks were burning. He can't help but recall the night they spent together and how amazing it felt when he had sex with Lars. It wasn't anything like being with a woman. It was primal, rough, unabashed, and, most of all, liberating. Thinking about how tight Lars felt made his dick hard and it didn't help that Lars was perpetuating the situation by using such vulgar language in the middle of Kirk's wedding party.

"What's the matter? At a loss for words?" Lars taunted when James remained silent. A smile spread across Lars' face when he caught on. "You were thinking about it, weren't you? Thinking about sticking your big cock in my ass?"

Lars set his drink down on the nearby table and slid up to James. There was a few inches between their bodies, though still somewhat suspect if someone saw them, but it didn't stop Lars from reaching out and groping the front of James' pants. Lars made a surprised gasp when he discovered the blonde's shameful erection.

"You were! Dirty boy," Lars teased, much to James' chagrin. Lars reached up with his other hand and tugged roughly on the taller man's tie once again. "What's to be done about this?"

And that's how they ended up in a maintenance closet. James couldn't dance around the subject anymore. He'd been thinking about this moment since their first time and now that Lars had dragged him off to somewhere private, he couldn't contain himself. His hands were all over Lars in an instant as the smaller man grappled at their clothes like a feral animal. They sought each other out with their mouths, landing the most frantic and sloppy kisses but somehow maintaining a cohesive rhythm as Lars yanked on James' tie like a leash.

Once they got their pants undone, James took it upon himself to pull off Lars' pants all the way. The stagnant air in the maintenance cupboard hit feverish, hard flesh, coaxing out the smallest of gasps from both of them. James spun Lars around and shoved him into the wall face first. They were so needy and unprepared that using spit as lube probably wasn't the most genius idea, but Lars was begging and James' dick was so hard he thought it might burst from the slightest breeze. Still, James paid mind enough to at least finger Lars a little before the Dane complained and demanded to be fucked immediately.

The initial shock was enough to rip a scream from Lars' throat, which he muffled into his arm propped up on the wall, but he rolled with the punches and despite the jagged start James was fucking Lars shortly after. James had a hand wound in Lars' hair and he was pulling on it tenderly; as well as occasionally pushing Lars' face further into the wall. Lars had his legs spread wide open and stuck his ass out as far as he could manage. It caused him to stand up on the tips of his toes and James pounded him from behind.

His body was straining to keep himself at the right angle that his thighs and calves started to cramp. Luckily for Lars, this wasn't going to last much longer. James was grunting and panting into the side of Lars' head, using every fiber of his being to nail Lars into the wall like a screw. Lars was flush against the wall by the end of it all that when the glistening head of his dick grazed the cold surface of it he came. His orgasm creeped up on him in no time flat, making his whole body tremble as he painted the wall with his release.

Lars' body became so tense, and his entrance was so under prepared, that it halted James' thrusting entirely. Though it ultimately didn't matter, because the pressure of Lars' tight channel constricting around his cock made him bust. It was so powerful that Lars could feel it pulse and throb as James coated his insides with come. They were both shaking uncontrollably and gasping for air as they came down from their orgasmic high, nothing more than a sweaty, writhing heap of adrenaline and lust.

It was only when a loud knock came to the door did the two men part.

"If you guys are done fucking each other, Kirk's about to cut the cake," came Scott Ian's voice, sounding mildly amused.

"Coming!" James called out nervously, scrambling to get his pants back on.

"Again, so soon?" Scott asked from the other side, laughing.

James felt mortified beyond belief, excited and embarrassed in equal measures in the knowledge that they had been caught fucking each other in a broom cupboard by Anthrax's guitarist. And when you think that it couldn't possibly get worse, there was always a Lars Ulrich nearby to prove you wrong...

"What can I say? I'm good at what I do," Lars replied with a satisfied giggle, grinning like the little shit he is.

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