Finish What You Start (Megadeth)

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Junior isn't as repressed as Dave initially thought.


It has come to Dave's attention that Junior may or may not be a virgin.

It all started with an offhand comment about Dave wanting to get his dick sucked, or something of that nature, that made Junior immediately shut down. It's no secret that Dave is a very outspoken person and isn't afraid of speaking his mind. He boasts a lot about his sexuality to the point where it's in your face. Junior, being more reserved and shy, always admonishes Dave for being so gratuitous with details and using such language. At first Dave thought it was just because he was a repressed Christian boy, which makes sense in a way, but now he's starting to think there's another reason.

Whenever Dave starts to bring up the subject of sex, or vulgar language of that nature, Junior will say things like ew and don't be gross. It raised a few red flags for Dave because 1) it wasn't hurting anyone and 2) every young adult man (religious or otherwise) talked about sex every once in a while. It was perfectly normal and healthy to discuss such things, but Junior was over here blushing and trying to be all high and mighty by censoring it from his life. So either Junior was just uptight or he was still a virgin embarrassed by the idea of sex.

He brought it upon himself to approach Junior about it one afternoon when they were hanging out with a few of their other friends. He asked the other David bluntly if he ever had sex to which Junior had replied with a curt and flustered of course I have.

"Then how come you're so uptight whenever I talk about the girls I hook up with?" Dave pressed when he wasn't given a further explanation.

"Because that's disrespectful and gross. That's a personal matter and it should be kept private. Not broadcasted to the world," Junior complained, walking off promptly to get another beer from the fridge.

Afterwards, Dave felt that maybe he had read Junior all wrong and he really was just repressed when it came to sharing his sexual exploits. Either way, it made Dave feel a little shitty for bugging his friend and invading his privacy. Junior was already home when Dave came back later that night, having left earlier in the evening, and was currently holed up in his room. Dave knew this because it's the only time Junior's bedroom door is ever closed.

He's had a few to drink, making him obsess over the things he said earlier, and felt compelled to apologize to Junior for making him uncomfortable. He gets to Junior's room, knocking on the door lightly before letting himself without waiting for so much as a response from the other side. Dave opens the door and is shocked by what he finds beyond the threshold. All those theories and assumptions that Junior was a virgin crashed and burned immediately and a wave of pure embarrassment washed over him.

"Wha--" Dave breathed out, at a loss for words at the sight of Junior.

Junior was lying on his bed completely naked with his covers tossed to one side and his legs spread wide open and bent slightly at the knee. He had a hand down between his thighs, gripping the base of something, and was furiously moving it back and forth. It took Dave a moment or two to realize what Junior was doing and then it hit him. It was obvious that Junior was currently masturbating, but Dave wasn't aware Junior was into that... That, of course, meaning Junior fucking himself with a dildo.

Junior was pulling it out halfway and pushing it back in while humping himself against it. He was rotating his hips in circles as his hole clenched and sucked the phallic object into his body. His cheeks are flushed and ruddy, much like his erect cock that he strokes fervently. The sight of Junior sprawled against his tangled sheets while working a dildo in and out of his body at a desperate pace. He was panting and moaning, really only gasping when he adjusted his hold on the base of his toy to jab up against his prostate.

Junior was so into what he was doing that he continued to pleasure himself for a few moments longer before sensing Dave at his door. He jumped slightly and frantically pulled the covers over his exposed body to hide the fact he had been furiously masturbating just a second ago, but the damage was done. Dave had gotten an eyeful of Junior going at it with his dildo, an image that was now forever burned into his mind.

"Dave! What the fuck are you doing?" Junior exclaimed when he saw the ginger standing in the middle of his doorway.

He was visibly flustered, sweaty and out of breath, as both him and Dave stare each other down with wide eyes. And here Dave was thinking Junior was some stuck up prude this whole time... The irony.

"I could ask you the same thing," Dave accused, not sure what to make of the whole situation.

"Haven't you heard of knocking?" Junior griped, clutching at his blanket and pulling it further up his body.

"I did," Dave replied in a flat tone.

At this Junior went completely silent, face burning with a red hot intensity as his heart rate spiked and his cock throbbed belatedly. The dildo was still lodged inside of him, on the verge of slipping out entirely, but only just. His whole body was tense, causing his muscles to clench around the toy invading him. And then Dave did something that made Junior's cock leak wantonly. Dave crossed his arms over his chest, leaned against the doorway, and fixed Junior with a hooded expression as a lazy smirk spread across his face.

"Well, don't stop on my account," Dave said, not budging from his place. Junior gave him an incredulous look. "Go on and finish."

Against all better judgement, Junior complied. He knew Dave wasn't going to leave him alone anytime soon after witnessing what Junior was doing, so he threw his blanket aside and picked up where he left off. Junior laid back down and closed his eyes, pretending that Dave wasn't standing there and watching his every move. That feat in itself was a bit difficult to accomplish because now Junior was self conscious. Does he put on a show or does he do what he normally does? Junior hadn't the faintest idea.

Rest assured, he spread his legs and went at it with his dildo again. Dave watched from across the room as Junior pleasured himself, enjoying the spectacle of his roommate fucking himself. The sight of Junior squeezing his cock and getting impaled on a sex toy made Dave's pulse pick up a little, going so far as make his pants feel tight. He had half a mind to stop Junior and fuck him right then and there, but this was somehow more cathartic for Dave.

It wasn't long before Junior had brought himself to the brink. It felt liberating in a way to have someone watching him as he got himself off, especially when that someone was Dave. He didn't have to open his eyes to know that Dave was staring at him with that stoic, seemingly disinterested, gaze with the occasional smirk tugging at his lips. The thought that, at any moment, Dave could come over here, climb on top of him, and have his way with Junior because he left himself in such a vulnerable position is what ultimately made Junior come.

He planted his feet firmly against the mattress, rocking onto the pads of his soles, and lifted himself off of the bed, making it dip from the weight shift. It drove the dildo further inside of him, causing it to brush across his prostate at the perfect angle. Junior gripped the base of his cock, all his momentum coming to a stuttering stop, before coming all over his abdomen in long generous spurts. His whole body quaked with the shock of it and he moaned deeply as his lower half came crashing back to the mattress.

Junior was panting and out of breath by the end of it, squirming slightly as he languidly continued to twist and thrust his toy inside of his shuddering channel. He cracked his eyes open and looked down the length of his body, past the come streaks adorning his stomach, to gaze upon his dildo when he finally pulled it free from his body. He groaned at the loss, feeling thoroughly exposed as his insides quivered delightfully.

"I suppose you want me to do something about that," Junior commented, gesturing to the not so subtle hard on straining against Dave's jeans.

Junior props himself up on his elbows and lets his legs fall apart. The action attracts Dave's attention and forces him to gaze upon the aftermath of Junior's self love session. Dave can see just how loose Junior is after everything and feels himself give an interested throb as Junior's muscles clench enticingly.

"After all, it only seems fair that I finish what I start."

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