why again?!?!

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prodigy's pov* 

Ever since chloe came out of the hospital prince has been ignoring her and won't even let her hang out with her own mom.He ofically kicked her out and shes been crying ever since i just hope he realises what hes doing before its to late

6 years later

liandra pov*

Im now 11 years old my mom is expecting a baby ever sine the day she came back and came out of the hospital all my dad wantsd to do is spend it with her so that he never looses he r again but watch what im going to do .

" daddy im leaving bye" i yelled 

I waited a couple of seconds but nothing happened .I went and got my suit case Im moving with  my daddy thats been their for me why be in a house where your own dad wont notice that you even exist this is what i expected.My dad prod he moved out after he noticed everything going down again so he was getting a place for us like he was supose to do many years ago .i have enough money to buy a house ive been saving up.I was walking when  my phone rang 


"yea liandra can you bring your mother some ice cream on the way home its the baby cravings" he chuckled 

"no jacob perez im not doin that because im not returning home so do it on your own and be happy with your only child now dont think about the other one you left ,just to hang with your with bye!!!" i said

Princeton's pov 

After hearing those words left and never coming back broke my heart my first daughter just left she  was my princess.Chloe is having a boy so she was daddy's little girl and i just lost her .

"babe what happened"chloe said

'' she left the house and never coming back she said be happy with your only child now and hung up"

"prince go look for her shes going to prod's house"

"yea i should go and get her back shes only elleven she cant do watever she wants who does she think she is!?!?!"i said

I got my  car key and left to prods house she is just a young girlleaving the house without permission

Prodigy's pov

Im in my studio working on some songs for Mindless Behavior and then i hear yelling

''im not going home with you im staying her with my dad and that him "she said pointing at me.

"well sorry he doesnt have custody of you im your real father and you didnt ask to leav ethe house or say something !!" 

"yes i did i said daddy im leaving bye i waited and their was no answer you probably hereif you werent to atached to your wife and only child now "lia yelled

''prince i do have custody of lia u and chloe both signed it"i said stating a fact

"wat do you mean you have custody of lia?"

"yea when you were with chloe in the hospital i made both of you sign it cuz you didnt know how to take care of her and i said i  was gonna take her away from you and you both signed it and the judge confirmed it stating at how you both treated ehrso she in my custody and my daughter"

That left him speechless but it was all true"


well here you go another chappie comment vote and fan

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