Why am I locked up?

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"Rise and shine Princess." A deep male's voice wanders its way into Amber's dream, softly a warm hand touches the young girl's face. Instantly she woke from her deep slumber, slapping whoever it was across the face. Quickly she rubbed her eyes only to be presented with Jed and his now red cheek.

"S-sorry," She quickly apologized.

"Someone isn't a morning person." He said with a chuckle, as the girl rubbed her arm.

Her body unconsciously tensed as she sat there staring off into space.

"Here," he croaked breaking the silence.

She glanced up not in realization she had been staring at her lap. Jed then held up a tray that had a small piece toast and a single glass of water.

"Breakfast!" He chirped with a smile as she curved her lips into a small smile while his just grew. Causally Amber leaned her body to the side studying the door.

"Bryan is not here, he had to go away for business, he won't be back till tomorrow," Jed said pretty much reading the girl's mind.

She sighed, her body loosening up a little, grabbing the toast she ate it slowly. Meanwhile, Jed just sat there gaping around the room.

Jed sighed rubbing the back of his head before speaking.

"Have you still got your v card?" He asked quickly. Yes, Jed was a cocky guy but that didn't mean it wasn't awkward for him to talk about it. He couldn't help but feel for the young girl. But he had to ask for Amber's profile that Bryan was meant to have already completed by now.

Choking on her toast at the sudden question the girl quickly swiped the water from the tray greedily chugging it down. "W-what?" She squeaked staring at him.

"You know what I said." He said crossing his arms over his chest.

Amber lowered her head whimpering a small "Yes," Placing the toast back down not feeling very hungry anymore. She snaked her lip in between her teeth chewing on it desperately dying to ask a question but she was just too afraid; afraid of the consequences that would follow. Afraid of the pain, afraid of the unloved stare her father would display. But the more she had thought about it, the braver she became. In the end, Jed did defend her yesterday, he helped her and he seemed to care about Amber. So he wouldn't hurt her? But then again she couldn't just trust him, it was too risky. Amber questioned.

"Got something on your mind princess?" He asked as he waved his hand in front of the young girl's face. Noticing the blank expression on her face as she clearly was having a mental argument within her little head. She blinked twice as she shook her head before tilting it slightly.

"Uh-" She chattered...

He looked at her with a stupid face "Uh?" He copied her with a chuckle before continuing. "Here, you must be so confused let me clear things up. I will answer two questions. Go ahead." He smirked.

"What's the catch?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"There is none, do you really think I am that mean?" He smirked.

She played with her fingers before finally asking. "How do you know my father? Why am I locked up? Why are you here? If-" These were just some of the many questions she wanted to find the answers to.

"First off, can you count? I said only two." He said rolling his eyes before finishing. "One, Bryan and I had met at a bar, it was a couple of months back. "Jed explained leaving out the part of where he had lost his job and was going to lose his shitty apartment so he wanted to use the last of his money on a good drink before ending his depressing life. "Bryan and I then started to talk..." He trailed off in thought.

"He offered to let me stay here and well here I am. Two he is locking you up down here because he doesn't want you to run out like your mother did, he is already scared your mother will tell the police and he will go to jail." He clarified.

Amber lifted her head staring at Jed furiously. "He should go to jail he abused my mother and I!" She shouted without a second thought.

"That's it! Fucking hell Amber, No more answers!" Jed cursed.

"No, I need answers! I need to get out of here! This is wrong!" She exclaimed loudly.

Jed sighed rubbing his temples allowing Amber to finish her tantrum. Soon enough he had enough of the girl's silly rage he raised his hand, silencing the girl at once.

Quickly she lowered her gaze.

"I am very sorry, please don't hit me!" She screeched in fear.

Jed sighed lowering his arm inching forward towards the girl. Quickly she shuffled back managing to ram her head into the wall behind her. She grits her teeth, gripping at her hair, her toes curling in pain.

"I don't need to; you seem to always somehow hurt yourself." He huffed with a bored expression.

Before Amber knew it Jed moved around the girl and then started to tug at her shirt.

"What are you doing?" She began, about to go off on a full rant, as she held the thin piece of fabric down.

Tears pricked in the young girl's eyes as Jed abused her cheek.

"For god's sake would you just shut up!" He said harshly before continuing. "Just-uh settle down I am just checking the cuts on your back." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"I promise I won't hurt you." He mumbled.

She loosed her grip on her shirt as he tugged at the back pulling it up.

After he had finished he pulled the shirt back down and kissed the young girls her forehead catching her off guard. .

"All good princess." With a smile, he stood up stalking his way to the door.

"Why did you call me princess?" She wondered aloud as the boy faced the door for a brief moment. Before walking out of the room without another word. 

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