Found a buyer yet?!

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Amber stares into the darkness images of her beautiful mother that had left her behind and her once lovable happy father. A lump becomes stuck in her throat as she sobs. Taking a deep breath she tries to calm herself. She blew warm air onto her hands her eyes glancing down at the long slash down her arm, small thread held her skin together; she gags in disgust pulling her eyes away from the horrible sight. Rubbing her hands quickly she gained a small amount of warmth. Letting out a shaky breath her eyes picked up on a knock coming from the front door. Forcefully she pulls her body into a sitting position. Her head swaying a little as she tries not to doze off.

Amber walked over to the small window standing on a box so she could see. She held onto the edge balancing on her tippy toes. A screech of a car zooming towards the house had planted a frown on Amber's face.

"What are you kids doing on my lawn?!" Bryan shouts getting out of the car marching towards them.

He stared down at the children as they tried to explain.

"It is nearly C-Christmas and there is a fun raiser a-at the church so maybe if-" One little kid stutters.

"Get off my lawn before I shoot you!" Bryan's says stomping his way past the children in anger; Slamming the front door shut.

Their voices slowly fade out as Bryan's voice just gets louder yelling at the TV.

Amber's whole body shivered as her stomach made a low growl, she held it in pain; nibbling at her bottom lip. Looking down at her bed then over at her mirror, she hung her head taking a step to be completely in front of it. Slowly the young girl grew the courage to look at herself. A gasp made its way out as her eyes she gazed upon a girl she had never seen before. It's been about 3 months since her mother had left her, with barely any food, water or sunlight she had becoming very skinny, dark bruises and a couple of scars were scattered over her body and she looked anaemic. Her hair was now a dull brown colour. Lifting up her shirt just a little she stared at her stomach; there wasn't much to it. Her ribs were clearly visible, though.

"I am such a wreck," Amber cries.

"Have you found a buyer?" Jed asks in a steady voice trying not to get Bryan mad like before. The man sighs taking a seat on the couch rubbing the side of his head

"No." He grumbles.

Jed sighs in frustration, "You never said this job would take so long! You said you knew people who would buy her straight up!"

Bryan shrugged.

"Maybe if you stop beating her! She wouldn't look half dead! She needs sunlight it has been over two months since this all started!" Jed shouts towering over his partner. Bryan stands quickly raising his hand to punch Jed in the face but the young stronger one overpowers the old and drunk.

"Don't you dare, I am sick of this Bryan." Jed grumbles having enough of Bryan's shit.

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