Chapter 1

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POV ~ Portable Lie Detector (Detective Tsukauchi) 

 "Hey, Tsukauchi! Ya know that raid we did last week on the league of villains?"

"Yea of course I do Tamakawa, why?"

"Well I've just been on the phone with Eraserhead and he's found a kid in there lair that was all tired up . So I told him to get the child's wound healed first and then bring him into the  station for questioning but he told me it could take a while for him to heal and sent me these pictures." Tamakawa passes me his phone and the first thing I saw was this unconscious green haired boy who looked extremely frail; he had cuts and bruises all the way up his arm along with five great slashes across his back which indicate he was whipped, from the picture I would have to say he looked younger then 12 years old, but, then again, he was awfully frail so his age could be from anywhere from ten to possibly seventeen. I couldn't look at the phone any longer so I passed it back to Tamakawa.

"How many pictures like that are there?" For some reason I couldn't bare to see this boy in a condition like this, even though I have at least one case like this almost every other week. 

"There's only one more, but I believe he has some sort of medical condition or rare quirk which seems to have disintegrated his elbows, it's hard to describe. Here just look at the picture." Once again he passes me the phone but this time i get a clear view of the boys face and he had four freckles on each cheek in a diamond pattern which I feel like I had seen some where before but I can't remember where. After I built up the courage to look at his elbow I could see that it looked like it had just decayed, this has to be a quirk - if not his then its one of the leagues and if it is then they need apprehending as soon as possible. But that boys face where have i seen it before.

"Hey Tamakawa can you send me missing children cases from the last 14 years for me?"

"Um yea I'll have it to you by tomorrow morning,may I ask why?"

"I feel like I've seen that boy before, so I feel like that would be a good place to start. Also if you can get any other information on him for me that would be great!"

"Alright I'll see what I can do, boss. See ya tomorrow!"

~The next day~

"Hey Tsukauchi! I think I've found out who that boy was."

"Hmm, who is he or who was he should I say?" 

"I think he was a three year old boy that was reported missing eleven years ago after his house burned down and his mother died. A young boy named Midoriya, Izuku. Here's the profile." Tamakawa hands me the profile and immediately something jumps out at me.

"Um, Tamakawa, do you know why the case was dropped a week after starting ?"

"What do you mean your the one who came into the office saying you had already found and identified the body the day prior and when we sent the body to the lab they confirmed it was young Midoriya ?"

"Wait what?! The day prior huh.. That's when I had a sick day cause a young girl, around the age of 4 or 5, cut me and it got infected, recovery girl told me to take the day off in order to rest. Pass me Himiko Toga's file." he does as asked but not without a confused expression on his face and I quickly scan through it, "Yes, here it is. Her quirk is transform all she needs is someones blood and I think I can remember that young girl did have blonde hair and rather sharp teeth so if she was Toga and indeed managed to get some blood from the cut then it is a good possibility that she was the one who took my place that day and perhaps twice swapped out the boys body and it didn't turn to sludge because that was the only clone he made, it all makes sense now! Okay make sure to re open that case because we need to know exactly what happened to Izuku and while your doing that I'm going with Eraserhead to check on the boys condition." 

"Alright see ya when you get back or tomorrow!"

                                                                         POV ~ Caterpillar God  

At the hospital

"So why did you want to see me here again?" It was only 11:30am and I had a shift last night meaning I didn't get back until 8am this morning. Does this man not understand that I need more then 3 hours of sleep?

"Okay we may have a lead on this new boy. We think his name is Izuku Midoriya, age 14 and he was diagnosed quirkless but we have reason to believe someone there can give quirks unfortunately I am not permitted to tell you anymore for that information is classified. He has no known living relatives other then his father but unfortunately isn't able to look after him in his current condition, so he will possibly be going to an orphanage or put into the system after we have checked his mental state." 

Izuku Midoriya huh rings a bell wait isn't he that kid from eleven years ago the one who Tsukauchi proclaimed dead? This just gets more interesting perhaps I should tell him the boy is already awake because I can tell Tsukauchi has questions and I am curious as to the answers."Okay well he's awake now if you wish to ask him some questions but he is a little jumpy." Oh my I just hope he's not to loud. 

"He's awake already?! Well then lets go."

 Why does he have to be so energetic all the time "I hate how your always so cheerful and awake."

"Ya know ya love me really!"

 If I could Face palm internally this is defiatly what it would feel like. "*sigh* You already know I'm getting married to Hizashi in a month, right?" All he does is nod and then starts skipping down the corridor leaving me wondering what was in his coffee this morning.

(A.N Hi this is the first part of my first story I would like to give a shout out to @Pantone_518 because they wrote the story this was inspired by and also helped me come up with the plot so I definitely recommend checking out their account also I wanna say thank you for reading this I will try to get another chapter out soon and if you think there is anything I can improve on then please don't hesitate to comment or message me privately I will try to reply as soon as possible, Love you all <3) 

(Words used 1150 including these)

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