𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 1

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Nini's POV
" Now go back to arabesque" "Now plié". "Now go back to first position then tondu your foot then bring it back to first then go to forth" Don't forget to turn you head in that combination to right to left . "Great Job Nini". "Thanks Ms. Layla" I say. "Alright time to do some Glissades, everyone spread out". Yeah It's Tuesday you know what that means! Today Is ballet. I start my senior year at East high next Monday. Summer went by fast, this whole summer I spent summer in Florida! I just got back this week. It was definitely hard to not see Ricky and the whole group this whole summer we all reunited last week. I got accepted to the Dance academy in Chicago which I haven't told Ricky about. I asked for more time for my decision and I have 2 months to make up my mind. I want to tell Ricky but I just don't know how. We have just go in a relationship and if I move to Chicago that's far like how would we do long distance. It's like when Ricky moved to Chicago with his mom for a bit that's was hard ! I just will have to turn down my dream school. "Sorry I'm late!" Said a unfamiliar voice . "Class I want you to meet Kaylee she is new to Salt Lake City" said Ms.layla. "Now why don't you go next to Nini". "Hi I'm Nini I said . I got no response from her maybe she didn't hear me. "Hi I'm- I started to say again because maybe she didn't hear me but she cut me off "I heard you she said rolling her eyes. "Oh ok". This brat I thought to myself! She may act all nice around teachers but she is definitely rude. Maybe it's because she's new? "Girls why don't you all go put your point shoes on now". I realized that my bag was next to Kaylee's so I smiled but she literally just stared at me with a annoyed face. Did I do something? I don't think So! "Nini after class we are working on your dance you made up". "Ok"I said.

Kaylee's POV
Hi, I'm Kaylee I am new here in Salt Lake City. Nini is literally the most annoying girl ever like I never said that I wanted to talk to you. Anyway I am a senior and I start school next week at East High school lets just hope things go well there and maybe I can get a boyfriend!

Ricky's POV
I am currently gaming at big Reds house I am supposed to meet Nini after her dance class! School starts next week and I am excited. I mean football season starts again so I am ready! I need to practice since I am East highs quarterback . That's when I get a text from Nini.

~Time skip~Nini's POVI am currently working on pirouettes ! Ballet class was over a little while ago

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~Time skip~
Nini's POV
I am currently working on pirouettes ! Ballet class was over a little while ago. "Now plié and go back to relevé" said Macy.Layla. Alright Nini you said your boyfriend is bringing you food correct asked Mrs.Layla. Yeah I said I am starving. Alright well I will let you have a break remember no eating in the studio so eat outside . I know I said laughing I have been here since forever I know the rules! "I am just going to keep working on my pirouettes till he gets here". "Ok said Ms.Layla.

Kaylee's POV
I am currently sitting in the studio on the floor putting my contemporary shoes on when I see a cute curly headed kid waking into the studio.

Nini's POV
I see Ricky walking in. I run out to greet him! FOOD!!! I yell out and hug him. "Hello to you to he said laughing."sorry I am hungry I said laughing. I turn and Kaylee rolling her eyes. That's her I whispered to Ricky. Her! I seen her staring at me said Ricky in disgust. "Your mine i said laughing . "NOW LETS GOO EAT" I yelled out laughing.

Kaylee's POV
He's with her ! I should have known I thought to myself. Hmmm well I have an idea so maybe they won't be together for long. Hehehe .

Hiii! I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter!! We meet Kaylee 🙄! What do you all think of her! Comment your thoughts!

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