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Last chapter Omigosh ima cry alright enjoy!
~A few months later~
Nini's POV
Alright everyone and well your probably wondering what happened after the incident that happened with me in the hospital. First of all I am fine. Also I have been back at East High for the past 3 months so I can graduate! Like wear a gown and a cap. Yeah you know. Oh and you are probably also wondering what happened with Ricky and I. Well Ricky and I have been ok. We talk quite a lot and it's great to see him again. But it's not really the same as in the beginning of the year when we were happy and not as awkward as we are now. Oh and well today is graduation day! I know I am graduating high school and going off to college! Oh my I totally forgot to tell you all where I am going! I am going to be attending UCLA! I got in and I have been so excited. I finished my last couple of months in Chicago's dance academy and well I have more news. Avery and Samantha also got into UCLA!! Oh and Kourtney got into Long Beach university which is also in La! The thing is I have never been to California before. You all are probably wondering where Ricky is going. Well I don't know. I want to know so bad but he hasn't said a word about what collage he has gotten in to!! So I am graduating today and what can I say I am so nervous and excited! "What dress should I choose." I ask Kourtney. "Hmm maybe this one said Kourtney". It was a cute white dress. "Ok perfect!". "So have you talked to Ricky about what collage he is going to." "Well I have tried but he hasn't said Anything yet". "Kourtney can I ask you something." "Yeah"asks Kourtney . "How do you stop your feelings from growing for someone?" "Well You just have to let them go". Said Kourtney. "Nini come on I know you and Ricky still like each other." "Well who knows where he's going to collage and well if it's far then we would have to do long distance and that never works out." "Well Nini it's time to get ready!" "I am nervous i mean I have my whole speech planned out and everything"I say. "I can't believe it's Kourtney we are graduating college already!" "I mean wasn't it just junior year!"I say small years falling from my eyes. "Oh Nini your going to make me cry!"

Ricky's POV
Today's the day! i am graduating from High school. I remember junior year like it was yesterday and well now I am graduating! "Ricky it's almost time dude!" Says big Red! "I know right I can't believe it"I say. I haven't told anyone yet where I am going to collage. Dude we got to go say Big red. "Let's do this". We grab are cap and gown and put them on. "Mom, dad you ready." My mom came from Chicago yesterday. "Alright let's go"she said. Big red and his parents follow from behind.

Nini's POV
"Nina Salazar Roberts". "Wow hi, I can't believe it I am graduating high school. I just wanted to say thank you to my amazing family and friends. Mom,dad thank you for believing in me always and also thank you to my brother. I love you all so much I say crying . I also wanted to say thank you to my best friend Kourtney for always being there for me when I needed it and for being my best friend since kindergarten. Also a huge thank you to the rest of my friends. Lastly I wanted to say a huge thank you to Ricky Bowen, thank you for always being there for me when I needed it and for caring for me I really appreciated it and most of all thank you for being my best friend. I love you all thank you. To this point I was sobbing. I did it I graduated high school. I ran up to my mom and dad and to my friends that were finished. That's when Ricky was called.

Ricky's POV
When Nini said my name in her speech a huge smile hit my face along with a little bit of tears. I mean I don't ever cry unless it was family issues. "Richard Bowen". "Thank you, hi um wow this is crazy. "I did it mom!" I said as a joke. "I want to first of all say a huge thank you to my friends and family for always being there for me". "Mom and dad thank you for everything I love you both so much". Also thank you to my best bro big red for always being there for me when I needed it and for being the person who likes to play video games. Thank you to East high for letting me play quarterback on there football team it was a amazing experience that I will never forget. Lastly thank you to the one and only Nini Salazar Roberts. Thank you Nini, for helping me and getting me through hard times. I um well usually don't share personal information but She helped me a lot during when my parents where splitting up. Also thank you for being there for me and caring for me Nini. Thank you all I love you all so much I say. I run down to my friends and family and tente families and I knew that this was the right moment to tell them on where I am going to collage . My parents had tears on their face and huge smiles. "Umm can i tell you all something" "yeah sure they all said." "Well I just wanted to say that I will be attending NYC New york university!" "omigosh said my friends screaming. My parents already new and we're so proud. I spot Nini with a smile on her face. It's going to be hard to leave her. A couple minutes later and I go up to talk to Nini. "Hey" she says. "Hey"I say. "Congrats on NYU". "Uh thanks congrats on going to UCLA". "Thanks she says with a smile." "So when are you leaving?"she asks . "Tomorrow"i say. "You?" I ask "Sunday" she says .
Nini's POV
My heart sank a bit when he said he was leaving tomorrow I mean I wish we could have hung out one more time before we leave each other. "Ricky It's time to go". I look at him one more time. "I guess this is goodbye" I say with tears falling down my cheeks. "Yeah"he says sadly. "I will always love you Nina Salazar Roberts". Says Ricky. "I will always love you Richard Bowen". I say with a small smile. "This isn't goodbye-" "this is see you later"I say continuing his sentence . He kisses me one last time before saying "good luck Nini". "Good luck Ricky" I say. We both throw are caps and go are separate ways walking toward are family.

 We both throw are caps and go are separate ways walking toward are family

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For real this time that's the end of the dancer and the football player~ the last game

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For real this time that's the end of the dancer and the football player~ the last game

Hiii wow I can't believe that's the end of this book 🥺! Thank you all so much for all the votes and comments. Stay tuned for more books by me and who knows maybe you will be surprised on what my next book is going to be!
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The dancer and the football player~ The last game Where stories live. Discover now