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Kaylee's POV

Kaylee's POV

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Today is my first day at East High School! I wonder if that curly headed dude or I should say Nini's "boyfriend" goes here

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Today is my first day at East High School! I wonder if that curly headed dude or I should say Nini's "boyfriend" goes here. Like I said I want a boyfriend so maybe all I have to do is break them up. But I am going to need some help. Hehe! I got a duet this week and I am so excited! Senior year here I come!

Nini's POV

Today is my first day of senior year but it is also my last year of high school! I just hope Kaylee is not going to East high! I still haven't told Ricky about the school

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Today is my first day of senior year but it is also my last year of high school! I just hope Kaylee is not going to East high! I still haven't told Ricky about the school . I need to tell him. Today I will tell him after dance. It's been a couple of months since I got accepted and I can't hold it in anymore I have to tell him.

Hi! I say getting in Ricky's car giving him a quick kiss

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Hi! I say getting in Ricky's car giving him a quick kiss. "Hey!" . "You ready for are first day as seniors"! Asks Ricky. "Yeah I am"I say! "Football tryouts are in a couple weeks"! Says Ricky. "So how late are you going to be at the studio asks Ricky. "Till 7:45"I tell him. "You can come watch me"! "Ok"! The problem is when Ricky starts football season we are barely going to be able to hang out since I have dance and he has practice. We will make this work I hope. "We are here" says Ricky! "Let's go take a picture"I say! "Ok ok coming" says Ricky. "Smile"!

~10 minutes later ~"Hey Nina"!  Oh No! No no no! Please No

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~10 minutes later ~
"Hey Nina"! Oh No! No no no! Please No . "Actually is Nin- " I'm Kaylee and you are" "Ricky why" says Ricky. Oh I see what she's doing . "We were just leaving to class" I say taking Ricky's hand a leaving Kaylee who was of course rolling her eyes. "Why did it have to be East high"! "Why not west high" I say angrily . "She is so rude to you she literally cut you off". "She immediately came up to you". "Gross" says Ricky" "what's your first class in your schedule"I ask Ricky . "Math". "NOOO" i say. "That means we have to part ways I say with puppy eyes. "What class do you have after". "ELA". "Yay I have the same class Says Ricky . "Yay"I say. "Ok I'll see you later"says Ricky starting to walk away. "Wait I want my hug". "Yay". "Ok see you later". "K Byee".

Ricky's POV
I sit down in math class I have an empty seat next to me. Just great Kaylee sits right next to me! "Oh hey Ricky, didn't see you there says Kaylee . "Suree". I say rolling my eyes. Even her voice is annoying ugh.
~time skip~
"Hi"! I say to Nini. "Hey how was class". "Horrible Kaylee kept trying to talk to me"! "Ugh"says nini. Well let's go class stars soon.
Nini's POV
Kaylee's up to something and I am going to figure it out!

Hii! I hope you all enjoyed today's chapter! Ughh I can't stand Kaylee! So far she is the only new character that we have met. Comment your thoughts and what you think of Kaylee!

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