𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 7

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~4 weeks later~
Nini's POV
"Now everyone go into a grande plié". "Arms in first please!". "Alright class is over".

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Huh I sighed

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Huh I sighed . Ricky and I haven't hung out in about 4 weeks we have been so busy that we  can't  event hang out together. Whenever he's available I am busy. Whenever I am available he's busy. I just am now worried about are relationship. This week I have to make up my mind about the school. I don't know why but I feel like Ricky and I's relationship is falling apart. It hurts to say that but I think  it's true . We have so much to do that we don't have time for each other. I am starting to apply to colleges and yeah I mean next year I will be in college. I really want to see Ricky but I either have dance and I also have a competition coming up so maybe he will be able to come to it! The only times Ricky and I have seen each other is at lunch and in two of are classes . That's it!

Ricky's POV
"UP DOWN UP DOWN" yes we are doing push-ups my favorite! Nini and I have been super busy we barely see each other now. I am worried about are relationship. I really am.

~ The next day~
Nini's POV
"RICKYYY". I run to hug him. "Hi he said. "So I have a competition next Saturday which is soon and was wondering if you could come I said giving him puppy eyes. "I wish I could but tomorrow I have a game he said sadly. "Oh" I said . "Hey I will try and talk to coach about changing tomorrow's game". "Really" I said! Really, as we were about to kiss we hear a firmilular voice. "Rickyyy"yelled big red. "Yes"! Said Ricky annoyed. "Today for lunch there's tater tots". "NO way". "Race you" to it yelled Ricky . "Boys I said rolling my eyes.

Ricky's POV
"Ricky I am sorry but No"! "The game isnext Saturday and we can't change that". "But please this is really important to my girlfriend I need to go"."then I will miss the game" "Ricky I am sorry but we need you Saturday ". "You are quarterback and you can't miss the game"! "Got it coach"I said sadly . "Sooo"said Nini excited . I shook  my head. Her face fell. "How about next Friday we can hang outI said . "Ricky I can't do this anymore". She blurted our. "What I said confused. "We haven't hung out in 4 weeks we have been so busy!". "I miss you but whenever you aren't busy I am busy and whenever I'm busy you are not busy. "Nini I know but I am not in charge of my schedule"! "I wish we could hang out more often aswell!" "How are we going to make this work said Nini crying. "I don't know"I said a tear slowly  fell from my eye. "Maybe it's best that we both take a break in are relationship Nini said . "What Nini we can make this work!" "How Ricky we haven't hung out with each other in 4 weeks"! She cried out. "I guess your right"I said. "I just want you to know that I care about you so much said Ricky crying. "Me too she said giving me a hug.
~the next day ~
Ughh why do I have to be so busy I yelled out in my room. Why why did this have to happen to us. I cried in my room for hours. "Ricky are you there". "Ricky Omigosh what happened"! Yelled big Red.

Big Reds POV
I am in Ricky's room and it's a mess. A pizza box is in the floor his whole room is messy. His eyes are bloodshot red. "We broke up he said softly. "Oh ricky " I said. "Bro is that why you missed school. This is Ricky's first break up and Nini was his first girlfriend. "If you don't mind me asking what happened?". "Well Nini and I have been so busy we haven't had the time to hang out anymore and- sorry said Ricky it's just hard to know that when your in love with someone but then it just doesn't work out". "Wow dude did you just say your  in love with her". Tears fell from Ricky's face. "Dude we need to clean up this room. I noticed that Ricky was taking all the stuff that reminded him of Nini and he put it in a box except for one picture.

Why are you putting everything in a box

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Why are you putting everything in a box. "Because then it's going to make it harder to... Move on". "Mk I said". "Haha that was the picture you guys took at the mall". "Yeah said Ricky he plasters a fake smile among his face. "Everything is going to ok Ricky". "Thanks red"he said. Ricky and I are like brothers we are here for each other.

Nini's POV
Worst day ever. I've been crying non stop. I don't even feel like competing on Saturday. "Nini you in there". "Leave me alone"I cried out. "It's me Kourtney".

Kourtney's POV
"Nini Omigosh what happened". "We broke up I cried out. "Oh nini"! I went  to go hug her. "Did he break you heart because i will go and-. "No it was because of are busy schedules". I really do love him but why did we have to be so busy I cry out. "Nini your room is a mess"! "Well so are you going to go to the dance academy". "Oh yeah well I don't know". "Today is your  last day Nini to decide"."I know". I noticed that she had one picture left of them and she also had the best Franklin next to her. "Well Nini call me if you need anything". "Thanks Kourt". She said . It broke my heart to see my best friend crying.

Nini's POV
"Hello, this is Chicago dance academy how can I help you? "Hi this is Nini Salazar Roberts and I just wanted to let you know that I...

Except the offer.

Hiii! Ahh this chapter made me almost cry while writing it 🥺😭! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Guess what two characters we meet next chapter! Comment below who you think we meet!

The dancer and the football player~ The last game Where stories live. Discover now