𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 17

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Nini's POV
I grab everything to do with Ricky and through it in a box! "I don't want to see him again" I yell. "Never ever!" . I just end up sobbing after all the yelling that I did.

Kourtney's POV
Something happened between Ricky and nini! The whole crew and I just got back from the airport and nini immediately went to her room and started yelling like "I wish I never dated him". The whole crew and I are worried. I hear her sobs from behind the door. "Nini can we come in". I open the door to see her room thrashed! "Oh Nini what happened" I ask. "Nothing"she said crying ."Nini we all know it had to do with Ricky!" "Just don't cry over him". "Your right"she said. "I smile. "I should be angry at him. "No no Nini". "Here take this box and throw it away". "Nini that has all the memories with you and Ricky you do not want to throw it away." "Yes I do". "I want nothing to do with him anymore". "What are you so made at him" we all ask. "Because he didn't fight". We all have her a confused look. "He didn't fight for are relationship he just there is no way we can do long distance". "How does he know!" "I told him we could FaceTime everyday and we could visit each other". "But be said we can't!" . "I just have to move on from him". "It was hard to block him from calling me and texting me now". "Nini you blocked him!" I say. "Yes I had to" she said crying. "Why did you have to we ask?" "Because then I won't be able to move on from him she whisperers. "Nini he isn't gone forever remember what he used to say it's not goodbye it's-" i don't care I don't want to here that anymore" she says angry. "it's official Ricky Bowen broke my heart again". "Now I want to watch Gilmore girls!". "Nini it's ok to be sad". "I know"she says. "Ok well let's all watch Gilmore girls!" "Let's watch season three!" ""Nini you and Avery are literally going to keep talking about how cute Jess is." We all start laughing.
Ricky's POV
Big Red ended up flying back with me. I feel horrible. I just know that it wouldn't work between Nini and I if we do long distance. "Ricky something's wrong what up". I told red everything. "Are you dumb!" "You guy's could have tried to do long distance!" "But you said no!" Says red. Maybe I should text her.

She blocked me?? Ok whatever

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She blocked me?? Ok whatever.
Nini's POV
"Jess and Rory are so cute!". Me and Avery say. "Nahh team dean all the way!" Says Samantha. We all gaged. "Gross team Jess forever" we say!
A/n what team are you! I am team Jess forever !
~one day later ~
"Nini get up". "Nooo". "Nini come on all your friends left a couple days ago come on". Says Avery. We are going to be late to dance. "Can I just cry all day." "No, now come on Nini I know you and Ri-. "Don't day his name."

Sofia's POV
I call Ricky for the hundredth time and he finally picks up! "How dare you"I yell. "What!"he says . "Don't what me!". "You left Nini heartbroken again!". "Come on Sofi you know it wouldn't work out if we did long distance." I paused for a minute. "See" he says. "No you to are meant to be." "I know but maybe one day we can. "I don't know I think Nini is going to try to move on." "She blocked me!" He says. "Yeah because she is sad and angry. "What is she angry for what just because I'm right about what could happen ricky yells. "Never mind bye Ricky!" "Ughh why did things go downhill!"
Hiii! I hope you all enjoyed today's chapter. Aww poor Nini 🥺! Ricky come on! Comment!

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